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Blogging With One Hand Tied Behind My Back

April 3rd, 2007 · 3 Comments

Or, at least that’s what it feels like.

There  I was, having lots of fun blogging and concocting my own plans for this blog when suddenly my DSL decided to go out.

After investing $65.00 in a new DSL modem, we discovered that the problem must be in the DSL line. We are on the list  for a new cable modem, but now the “cable guy” says it will be next week before they can come and install it.

We are in deep internet withdrawal–completely reliant on WiFi hotpots not only for blogging, but for homework assistance, e-mail, and research. I must say it’s not pleasant. (This just goes to show how deeply we’ve come to rely on the internet.)

In the meantime, the DSL provider has made sure to withdraw their fee from our account. I can’t wait to tell them that they are fired!

Anyway, I do know that I’ve been tagged for two memes. I will have to write them offline due to the circumstances, so it will take me longer than usual to respond, but I will respond.

Thanks for your patience!

Tags: Uncategorized

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Tiff // Apr 4, 2007 at

    I hate when stuff goes wrong with my technology. Makes me nuts

  • 2 Paula Mooney // Apr 6, 2007 at

    I’m assuming your DSL is all better now!

  • 3 Matt Keegan // Apr 9, 2007 at

    I feel totally exposed when the internet goes down for whatever reason. Fortunately, there is a Panera Bread near my home so I skidaddle over there. Still, all of my stuff must remain the home office — I don’t think Panera would enjoy seeing me wheeling my files across their tiling!