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Tax Tips For Freelancers

March 31st, 2007 · 5 Comments

Debbie Ridpath Ohi has created this list of tax resources for the self-employed on her excellent (and fun) blog, Will Write For Chocolate. If you’re still working on filing your 2006 income taxes, you’ll want to reference this article.

Tags: Writing Tools

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Paula Mooney // Mar 31, 2007 at

    Hi Laura!

    Yes, I was just saying that I don’t see a way to email subscribe to your blog, which is what I’ve been wanting to do.

    I already have added it to a reader, but I like getting blogs I like in my email inbox!

    If you visit Feedburner.com or Feedblitz.com, they have code you can put on your blog to allow email sign-ups.

    Take care,

  • 2 Laura // Apr 1, 2007 at

    Okay Paula, I’ll look into that when I get my tech problems solved.

  • 3 Tara Pringle // Apr 3, 2007 at

    Hi Laura,

    I have to say I enjoy your blog. I always see you commenting on Paula’s blog and finally made my way over here. I have a daughter and I’m a freelance writer and I just might try to pursue some type of career where I work from home. Your blog is full of great stuff. Thanks a lot!

  • 4 Mihaela Lica // Apr 3, 2007 at

    I see that the tax fever took over your blog too. Lol. Mine are due in May… Not so much time left. An my office is a mess! This is what you should write about: how to sort your tax files. 🙂

  • 5 Laura // Apr 3, 2007 at

    Tara: Welcome to WritingThoughts. I hope to see a lot more of you on here.
    Mihaela: How to sort your tax files, hmm! Interesting topic idea. I read somewhere that organizing the information in order to file taxes takes about two times longer than actually filling out the forms. I imagine that is true no matter what country you are in.