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Of Note: About Freelance Writing

June 13th, 2009 · 3 Comments

Anne Wayman‘s About Freelance Writing blog has become a regular stop for me. I first became familiar with Anne’s work when she blogged at The Golden Pencil. I have to say that I enjoy this blog every bit as much as I did The Golden Pencil.

About Freelance Writing contains a good mix of advice, book reviews, and job listings. (Yep, for everyone who has asked me where you can find a freelance writing job, here is one place to look.)

This blog’s mix makes it a valuable resource for freelance writers. If you haven’t been  reading it, you’re missing out.

Note: If you’re consistently posting great information and haven’t seen your blog featured in “Of Note” yet, I apologize. I’ll probably find you soon. I know there are a lot of great blogs out there; I discover more new ones each day. (So many blogs, so little time!)

Contents (c) Copyright 2009, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

Tags: Of Note

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Lillie Ammann // Jun 15, 2009 at


    I’m glad to see Of Note back again. You always highlight great blogs.

  • 2 Laura Spencer // Jun 15, 2009 at

    Thanks Lillie!

    I’ll try to include an Of Note feature from time to time. There are still many good writing blogs that have not been highlighted.

  • 3 Anne Wayman // Jul 3, 2009 at

    Thanks so much! I love being ‘of note’ 😉