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Don’t Tell Anyone. . .

March 9th, 2009 · 9 Comments


Don’t tell anyone. . .

I play favorites. I didn’t start out to do it, but that’s just that way that it has worked out.

You see, I try to visit as many different blogs about freelancing and about writing as I can. I’ve shared many of those visits with you, and I have to admit that there’s a lot of great blogs out there.

But over time some blogs have consistently stood out. I find myself looking forward to visiting these blogs each day and am impatient when the expected post doesn’t materialize.

The time has come, however, to share these favorites with you:

  • Men With Pens – Witty, original, and amusing. Yet, I learn something each time I visit. Just when I think they can’t possibly come up with something new, the penmen manage to do it again. Don’t forget to visit the comments, which are a world in and of themself. There’s also a forum.
  • Freelance Writing Jobs – Deb Ng started this site to help writers find better paying jobs. She still does that, but she evolved the site into something more when she turned it into a blogging network. Deb’s managed to attract some of the most talented writers to her site (while you are there, check out my guest post: Baby Steps to Paid Blogging).
  • Freelance Folder. Alright, yes. I do write for this site so I might be a bit biased. However, I enjoy reading this blog even when I’m not the author of the most current post. The information is always on target. There’s also a forum and a job bank. The real strength of this site, in my opinion, is the way the readers pitch in to help each other, as seen in the comment.

Do you play favorites too! What blogs do you find indispensable?

Contents (c) Copyright 2009, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

Image Source: Laura Spencer

Tags: Inspiration · Writing Tools

9 responses so far ↓

  • 1 jen // Mar 10, 2009 at

    i am new to freelance writing and i spend hours searching through blogs and webpages. reading through your page is really helping me get some ideas, and i am only half way through. i am definately book marking you and will be back to catch up on anything new. i am looking for ways to get noticed and broaden my writing skills. Jenna

  • 2 James Chartrand - Men with Pens // Mar 10, 2009 at

    *glances around*

    Promise I won’t tell.

    *leans in to whisper* I read this blog called Writing Thoughts because I think the author is pretty damned cool. And smart.


  • 3 Laura Spencer // Mar 10, 2009 at

    Hey, thanks guys!

    You both made my day.

  • 4 J. Smith Adams // Mar 16, 2009 at

    I write a blog dedicated to finding jobs on Elance. I, obviously, think it’s the best place for freelance writers. Read my blog and tell me what you think!

    J. Smith Adams

  • 5 Emily Adams // Mar 20, 2009 at

    I’m a beginning freelancer and the two blogs that I’ve been reading since I began about a year ago are Freelance Folder and Freelance Switch. Men With Pens and Freelance Writing Jobs are both great resources as well. I always especially appreciate your guest posts at Freelance Folder, by the way.:-)

  • 6 Sarah // Mar 26, 2009 at

    Hi Laura, I have been reading Freelance Folder since my early days in writing. Then I found Men With Pens and Copyblogger and I love them all. Now, I found Writing Thoughts and I think I just found a new home.

  • 7 JWRmedia // Mar 26, 2009 at

    Congrats on building your Twitter followers and thanks for sharing these sites with us.

  • 8 Solomon // May 6, 2009 at

    Hi Laura,
    Earlier writing thoughts was the first thing to read and use the links to other blogs. Of late, hooked to Men with Pens and Zen Habits, Collective Ink etc. Not to forget Frelance Folder where you write regularly. I just want to see what’s happening with your WT and I’m here.
    Miss your blog reviews here, like earlier!

  • 9 Laura Spencer // May 7, 2009 at

    Hi Solomon!

    I’ve been tied up in projects, but I still try to post here several times a month. I will probably still review writing blogs here from time to time (along with other posts), but I’ve come to realize that I can’t keep up with the speed with which new writing blogs come and go.

    Thanks for checking in. Your comments are always welcome.