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Success Tips For Writers

June 6th, 2008 · 4 Comments

seedDo you ever struggle to figure out what to write or blog about?

Have you ever wrestled with the infamous writer’s block?

Do the best ideas for articles and blog posts seem to come at the most inconvenient times?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then know that you’re not alone. Other writers have faced the same dilemma.

This post about idea seeds explains how to find writing or blogging inspiration in the first place and what to do with that inspiration until you’re ready to write.

I’d love to hear about some of your sources of inspiration.

Contents (c) Copyright 2008, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Image Source: www.sxc.hu

Tags: Blogging · Inspiration · My Writing · Writing Tips · Writing Tools

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 --Deb // Jun 6, 2008 at

    I don’t USUALLY have a hard time coming up with things to write about, but the “Mangled Monday” theme sometimes gets tricky. I figured that it would be easy to find something, anything, to write about each Monday that I see people getting wrong, and yet, it’s getting harder and harder to come up with entries for that. I think I’m going to have to branch out into bad manners (grin).

  • 2 Laura // Jun 11, 2008 at

    Thanks Deb!

  • 3 Martin Welch // Jun 11, 2008 at

    Yes, I experience that problem also! Sometimes I’m running out of the topic and it’s difficult for me to come up with an article.

    Thanks for sharing the post, it’s big help and I got useful tips from it. I’m sure this could help improve my writing skills. đŸ™‚

  • 4 Jim Bennett // Nov 2, 2011 at

    This idea of seeds is a great metaphor i think. We all have the seeds of ideas and opportunities. We can leave the seed ideas on the stones to never germinate or we can take action to protect the seed, then develop it into something more.

    But catching ideas is as hard as getting our Muse to provide them in the first place. Most are wasted by memory, interruption, and distraction.

    My son and I have created a site with a tool specifically designed to be eay to use and to give you a place to store the ideas and then work them.

    We call this site PlanItPad. It can be found at http://www.planitpad.com

    It’s free and sponsored by my battery business. We hope you try it out. Check out the blog to!