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Are You Growing as a Writer?

May 5th, 2008 · 5 Comments

planning-for-growthLiving things grow and change.

That’s an indisputable fact, and growth is often for the best. It can lead to changes which can lead to improvement.

But, when it comes to our professions, many of us are not growing. We’re not changing, and we’re not getting better.

Our writing consists more and more and more of exactly the same thing.

Let me ask you this: when was the last time you tried something new with your writing?

Can you even remember?

It doesn’t take much to start the growth process:

  • A class absorbed
  • An opportunity explored
  • A chance taken

So, what’s keeping you? Get out there and grow today!

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Image Source: Laura Spencer of WritingThoughts.

Tags: Writing Tips

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Matt Keegan // May 5, 2008 at

    I certainly believe that I am.

    I look back to three years ago when I started my current flagship website and can see the many changes in the way that I write as well as run my business.

    I’ve taken on some new challenges, professional blogging and magazine writing, and I enjoy my work.

    Stretching our abilities helps us to succeed and expand our horizons.

  • 2 Vivienne Quek // May 9, 2008 at

    That’s why we must be humble to unlearn, learn and relearn. It’s never too old to learn nor too young to teach.

    I’m not a professional writer but I noticed that my writing has improved tremendously since I started blogging last March. We become what we believe we can be because we won’t quit scaling a new height.

  • 3 Laura Spencer // May 9, 2008 at

    Hi Matt, Yvonne, and Vivienne!

    I definitely agree that we should always be open to learning. Vivienne, that’s interesting that you writing has improved since you’ve started blogging – it’s probably the constant practice.

  • 4 Adrienne Zurub // May 9, 2008 at

    I like the simplicity of the statement,’living things grow and change.’ It is simple and it is not.

    As a writer, author, Blogger, yes, I evolve continually. Thank Goodness.

    It is incredible and rewarding how I constantly rewrite, rework, edit, marry words, recreate my words over and over again.
    It is like trying to fix or create a marriage of words…a perfect marriage!

    But, this is what we do. It is us.

  • 5 Academic Life // Oct 15, 2008 at

    Hi!I’m a journalism student. When I came across this post I was reflected on the question very well. And I found out that I am not growing as a writer in this field. Maybe in order to grow I need to find my niche in writing, what do you think?