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Why You Should Get Out of Your Pajamas and Out of Your House Today

February 20th, 2015 · 10 Comments



Ahh, the freelance writer.

Bleary eyed, day after day he or she sits at home staring at the computer, clad only in a pair of scruffy (and somewhat smelly) pajamas. Alone.

If the freelancer is a guy, it’s been at least a week since he shaved. And of course, a female freelancer wears no makeup.

That is the stereotype anyway. Everyone knows that freelance writers rarely leave home and have poor personal hygiene, right?

If truth be told, there have been days when I’ve worked in my pajamas. But I don’t do that often, do you know why?

I’ve found that I feel more professional and do better work when I dress for my workday–even when I work from home. My guess is that the same is true for you.

(By dressing for my day, I don’t mean formal attire. Most days I don a clean tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. I’m still all about comfort.)

In this post, I share three reasons why you should get out of your pajamas and out of your home office.

Reason 1: You’ll Feel Better

Like it or not, we associate certain items of clothing with certain experiences. For example, I can still remember what I wore on my first date with my husband … and that date was years ago.

And what experience do we associate with wearing pajamas? For most of us, that’s sleeping and slouching around the house.

So, if you try to work in your pajamas, you’re battling your own subconscious to get things done. And that can be tricky.

Besides, there’s something refreshing about getting a shower and getting dressed. It can jumpstart your day.

Plus, if the doorbell rings do you really want to answer the door in your PJs?

Lydia Dishman at FastCompany published an excellent discussion about how clothing affects attitude, The Surprising Productivity Secrets Hidden in Your Clothes. The bottom line is what you wear does make a difference in how you feel and what you get done.

Reason 2: You Need to Move Around

Most of us sit too much.

Sitting in front of a computer for hours on end can hurt your health. If you don’t believe it, read the frightening statistics in this piece by Joey Held on The Freelancer by Contently, How Sitting Ruins the Body (And What You Can Do to Fix It).

Even something as simple as going for a walk around the block can help offset the negative effects of sitting all day. Plus, a change of scenery may help stimulate the creative process.

For me, I know that getting out of the house and spending some time in a different environment helps. I can’t begin to count the number of times I felt “stuck,” and took a break by getting out of the house. Almost every time, I returned to my work fresh and inspired.

Reason 3: Face-to-Face Networking & More

I’m a big believer in social media. It is worth your time.

While online networking is important, it’s not all there is.

People like to see who they are dealing with. One way to let people get to know you face-to-face is to get out there and meet people. It won’t happen in your home office.

Volunteer. Join clubs. Take a class. There are dozens of ways to meet people. One of them is right for you.

Besides getting to know prospective clients, as a freelance writer you need to have a strong support group. Most often, this group consists of friends and family.

Sure, you can (and do) connect with your support group with social media and through email. But those bonds grow stronger when you get together in person with those who mean the most to you.

Your Turn

As a freelancer, do you make sure you get out of the office? What’s your typical attire for a freelancing workday and why?

Share your thoughts on this topic in the comments.

Tags: Writing Tips

10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Monu Kumar // Feb 20, 2015 at

    According to my views this is very unique article regarding freelance out of pajamas. Because we need everything during blogging which you explained. In these days I was using jeans but now I will work in Pajamas.
    Thanks for help us.
    Please keep writing like this.
    All the best and have a nice day.
    Best regards
    Monu Kumar.

  • 2 Laura Spencer // Feb 21, 2015 at

    Hi there,

    It’s true that some freelancers do like to work in pajamas, and that’s okay if it doesn’t detract from their work.

    You might try an experiment. For one week, try dressing for work. The next week, try working in your pajamas. Compare the two weeks to see if dress makes a difference for you.

    Best wishes in your freelance career.

  • 3 emanneh // Feb 21, 2015 at

    I do at least get dressed (and put on my make-up!) because I’ve been aware for a long time about how what you wear affects your attitude. But I remember realising once that I hadn’t actually left the house for 4 days. After that I made a conscious decision to get out at least once a day for a run or just a trip to the shop. I think this is great advice.

  • 4 Laura Spencer // Feb 21, 2015 at


    Good for you for making the decision to get out of the house at least once a day! 🙂

    As far as not leaving home for 4 days (and not even realizing it), I think that happens more often than some of us would admit.

    I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  • 5 Sue Horner // Feb 21, 2015 at

    I think the only time I worked in my PJs was once when I was sick! I always shower, dress in jeans and t-shirt or sweater (depending on the season) and put on makeup. You are right that I feel better, am ready for my daily walk and don’t embarrass myself if the doorbell rings.

  • 6 Laura Spencer // Feb 21, 2015 at

    Hi Sue,

    Way to go against the stereotype. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experience.

    After the novelty of working in pajamas wears off, I bet many veteran freelancers find that they feel better when they dress for their workday.

  • 7 Aleksandra // Mar 15, 2015 at

    I laughed out loud while reading this! 100 percent true. I find myself in a different mindset when wearing pj’s. It’s brings me into that comfortable mood which isn’t really helpful when you’re trying to work and stay focused!

  • 8 Laura Spencer // Mar 16, 2015 at


    Everyone is different, but I think you can be too comfortable when you’re trying to work. 🙂

    For most people, wearing PJs has a subconscious association with slowing down. Something you definitely don’t want if you’re trying to get a lot done.

  • 9 Angie Johnston // Jun 2, 2015 at

    I cannot work in pajamas. I seriously spend more time on Facebook or wishing I was doing something else than I do working if I’m in my PJs. Fortunately, I have to take breaks to walk the dog (that nets me about 15 minutes away from the computer at a time). 🙂

  • 10 Laura Spencer // Jun 2, 2015 at

    Hi Angie,

    Thanks for the comment. I think how you dress does impact your productivity. For me, and probably many others, pajamas equals lounging around the house or sleeping.

    Of course, just because you don’t wear pajamas doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable when you work from home. My work uniform is an ultra-comfortable tee and a pair of jeans.