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Have Your Say!

February 26th, 2008 · 6 Comments

What do you like to see on a writer’s blog? This is your chance to have your say!

Not only will the results help to make WritingThoughts a better place, they will also help me to select “Of Note” blogs that are of interest to all of us.

Tags: Uncategorized

6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Matt Keegan // Feb 26, 2008 at

    I voted for the real life anecdotes, but I would have picked the laughter one too. I like to read a variety of topics on a blog, much like the way I blog too.

  • 2 Laura // Feb 27, 2008 at

    Thanks Matt!

    I hope that we get some more votes.

  • 3 Mihaela Lica // Feb 27, 2008 at

    All of the above plus pages of the writer’s prose. 🙂
    Off topic: Why don’t you use the poll widget from JS-Kit, Laura? That will keep me on your site… (it opens no other page to another site – and I bet it is far easier to deploy)

  • 4 Vivienne Quek // Feb 28, 2008 at

    I would pick thought provoking questions and real life anecdotes. Every once a while, we need to have a ‘wake-up” call to look at things from a new perspective so both categories will be great.

  • 5 laura // Feb 28, 2008 at

    Hi Mihaela and Vivienne!

    Mig – I actually didn’t know about JS-Kit. I’ll look into it. I had been using Poll Daddy for my polls, but for some reason it didn’t work this time.

  • 6 Xpertd Logos // Mar 18, 2010 at

    I too voted for the real life anecdotes 😉