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Have You Seen This?

February 5th, 2008 · 8 Comments

For the past few weeks I’ve been playing with the Advanced Marketing Institute’s Free Headline Analyzer to see if it can help me to create more effective headlines for my blog posts.

(I wish I remembered for sure where I originally saw this tool, but it’s one of those links that I bookmarked ages ago and finally got around to looking at in more detail.)

Anyway, the Advanced Marketing Institute tool claims to analyze headline phrases for emotional marketing value. The headline of this post, for example, scored 50%, so I left it as it was.

The analyzer says that this post’s headline appeals to the intellectual and spiritual spheres. Who am I to argue?

Does this tool work? Well, if you are reading this post because the headline caught your eye, why not leave a comment and let me know?

Contents (c) Copyright 2008, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Tags: Writing Tools

8 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Max // Feb 5, 2008 at

    Laura, the link to the Headline Analyzer you posted is dead… here it the correct one http://www.aminstitute.com/headline/index.htm

    In my case your post was the next on the All (new) Items list of my Google Reader, but I guess I read it just because of the headline. BTW, I noticed I use exactly the same question when I email or IM my friends link to some resources… they always get back to me right away… otherwise it may take awhile until I get a feedback.

    Thanks for bringing this up it really makes you think about headlines when you’re trying to get maximum feedback….

  • 2 Laura // Feb 5, 2008 at

    Thanks Max!

    I think the link is fixed now.

  • 3 Joanna Young // Feb 5, 2008 at

    Laura, thank you, I’ll check it out. And yes, your headline did grab me, and also make it more likely that I would come by, read, click, and comment.

    The short post helped too – I think my attention span is shrinking šŸ™


  • 4 laura // Feb 5, 2008 at

    Thanks Joanna!

    I bet your attention span is okay, you’re probably just busy…

  • 5 Dianne // Feb 18, 2008 at

    Your headline did catch my attention. I do not have a blog, but have been entertaining two ideas for maybe two seperate blogs. One for my family (not just immediate) and maybe one for our church. Not sure about the last one for now. I have been searching for blog ideas and trying to find ideas on how to start.
    Thank you —-

  • 6 Laura // Feb 20, 2008 at

    Hi Dianne!

    Good luck to you in your new blogs.

  • 7 Jeanne Dininni // Mar 7, 2008 at

    Hey, Laura!

    Finally had a little time to go through and look at some of your older posts that I’d missed and noticed this one. You said you wished you could remember where you’d originally seen the tool. I’m a little late responding, but you probably saw the post I wrote at Writer’s Notes about the Headline Analyzer tool quite a while back. It’s a great tool, isn’t it?


  • 8 Jeanne Dininni // Mar 8, 2008 at


    Just remembered where I first heard of the Headline Analyzer tool myself (which is what inspired me to write about it in the first place): I read a post about it on the Copywriting Maven’s blog. Didn’t mean to be misleading in my previous comment, but I’d actually forgotten where my inspiration for that post had come from until I noticed it today. So just thought I’d clarify!
