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Fit Bodies, Sharp Minds (Off-Topic)

February 20th, 2007 · 2 Comments

I did something difficult today. For the first time in nearly two months, I went back to the gym.

You see, I’ve been skipping my regular workout since Dad got sick. After he died and the funeral was over I really had no excuse not to start going to the gym again, but I kept right on skipping those workouts.

First it was one excuse, then another. The truth is, I just don’t like to exercise. Never mind that there’s a ton of data out there showing how exercise improves overall health. I’ve even seen studies linking mental acuity and physical fitness.

Waaaay back in January Diane Penna and Deb Ng issued a weight loss challenge for writers. I rightfully chose not to participate at that time because my dad was in the hospital.

However, there is no reason for me not to work hard to get back in shape now. I probably can’t/won’t add a Joe’s widget to my blog space, but I’ll be following along with the spirit of Diane’s challenge otherwise.

So, YEAY ME for finally getting myself back to the gym!!!

I’m sure my writing and my health will both benefit.

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

Tags: Uncategorized

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Phil // Feb 20, 2007 at

    Good for you!

    One of my new year’s resolutions was to get fit but I haven’t started yet! I haven’t failed either though, because I will do it, as soon as I stop making excuses too!

    Hope the gym goes well for you.

  • 2 Paula Neal Mooney // Feb 20, 2007 at

    Yay for you, Laura!

    It feels so good to work out.

    When I find myself working too hard and stressing out, I go take a run on the treadmill, lift nautilus weights and chill out in the hot tub and steam room.

    I’m like a new woman afterward.

    I told my hubby that I’m having an affair with the treadmill!