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WAHM Wednesday: Is There Any Type of Writing That You Would Not Do?

January 23rd, 2008 · 7 Comments

Now, I’m not talking about subject matter. Of course, I would not want to write something that was immoral or illegal.

I’m thinking more about types of writing. For example: novels, plays, articles, technical manuals, advertising copy, news stories…

Personally, I can’t think of a type of writing that I would not want to try. Although,  there are types of writing that I am unlikely to try any time soon, simply because I don’t have time to focus on them. (I need to earn a living.)

What about you? Is there a type of writing that you would not be interested in doing under any circumstances?

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Tags: WAHM

7 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Descartes // Jan 23, 2008 at

    When I was younger I thought the only kind of real writing was ‘creative’ writing. Novels, short stories, screenplays-this is the kind of writing that I wanted to do. For some reason I didn’t think writing a brochure or tech manual was ‘real’ writing.
    Now I agree with you- there is no kind of writing that I would not consider. Though to be honest, I don’t think I could write those pithy lines in greeting cards or fill out blank crossword puzzles.

  • 2 Courtney // Jan 23, 2008 at

    I think I’d have a problem with writing any form of erotica. Not because I’m morally opposed to it…just because I don’t think I’d be very good! 🙂

  • 3 Hope Wilbanks // Jan 24, 2008 at

    I probably won’t be doing anymore keyword-based articles. I’ve had a few clients in the past who wanted X amount of keywords inside an article–usually an insane amount. I don’t like writing articles that end up sounding stupid because they’re stuffed with keywords. And besides, what’s the point? So yeah…there’s the type of writing I have done, but don’t plan on doing anymore of. 🙂

  • 4 laura // Jan 24, 2008 at

    Hi Descartes, Courtney, and Hope!

    Descartes – I know adults who immediately think of creative writing when I say that I’m a writer.

    Courtney – That’s interesting!

    Hope – What type of writing do you do?

  • 5 Harrison McLeod - JCM Enterprises // Jan 25, 2008 at

    @Courtney: How would you know if you never try? I’ve done it and found out I’m better at it than I thought.

    @Hope: I don’t enjoy writing articles thick with SEO. If it’s done right, then it’s not so bad. What I don’t like are clients who want you to cram a ton of SEO into a 200 word article.

    As for me? The only kind of writing I won’t do are sales letters. I don’t agree with a hard sell and strongly dislike reading those long pages that are the virtual equivalent of television infomercials.

  • 6 Laura // Jan 25, 2008 at

    Thanks for your input Harrison!

    Personally, I don’t mind sales letters unless I know that the product is garbage. Then I mind a lot.

  • 7 Michi Beck // Jan 25, 2008 at

    This is a great post…never really thought about this before. I’ve done all types of writing — newspapers, academic papers, resumes, content and SEO stuff, newsletters…virtually anything to pay the bills. I never wrote anything illegal, or anything like that…and no erotica (too embarrassing for me!) Now I do mostly SEO stuff, but I also just got my first non-fiction book picked up by a literary agent, so maybe I’ll get involved with more book writing and creative writing in the future (fingers crossed).