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Cat Got Your Tongue?

January 22nd, 2008 · 16 Comments


This is the phrase that I grew up hearing whenever I was speechless.

We’ve all been there. There’s a break in the conversation, it’s our turn to talk, and we just can’t think of a single thing to say.

Instead of continuity in the conversation, there’s this awkward, almost painful, silence…

When I was growing up, the adult waiting patiently for me to speak would often use the phrase: Cat got your tongue? 

There are still times when I feel that a conversation has run its course and that I don’t have anything new to say.

Blogging is an online conversation. Just like in verbal communication, there are times when I feel that everything that could be said has already been said (if not by me, then by somebody else).

Call it blogger’s block, if you will. (A cousin to writer’s block, perhaps?)

Here are a few ideas to overcome blogger’s block:

  1. Force yourself to blog. Sometimes just typing out a few words can stimulate additional ideas. Before you know it, you have a fresh post.
  2. Change the time of day that you post. After an entire life of being a morning person, I now sometimes find that my best ideas for posts come at night.
  3. Surf around. You may find someone else’s post that you want to respond to.
  4. Last, but not least, take a break. You may need a rest. Give yourself time off, but set a time that you will resume blogging and stick to that date!

What are your solutions for blogger’s block?

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Tags: Blogging · Writing Tips

16 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Joanna Young // Jan 22, 2008 at

    …”there are times when I feel that everything that could be said has already been said (if not by me, then by somebody else).”

    I know that feeling πŸ™‚

    Other solutions that work for me: go for a walk; don’t blog (though I agree making yourself can work sometimes too); focus on my purpose (and if I can’t find one, don’t blog); blog about the block… but you already know that one πŸ™‚


  • 2 laura // Jan 22, 2008 at

    Thanks Joanna!

    Those are terrific tips. Walking is great. You can plan out an entire blog post while you are walking.

  • 3 Krissy // Jan 22, 2008 at

    What I do is take a pen with me wherever I go and jot down blog ideas as they come to my mind. This way I am never out of ideas at any time! Right now I have too many blog topics to write about if I get stuck, as it is. Unfortunately, some topics will get outdated and stale before I can even get to them, but I have so many ideas to choose from. Point being, during a fresh time, write your ideas down!


  • 4 laura // Jan 22, 2008 at

    Thanks Krissy!

    Sometimes, I’m driving when I think of an idea, though. Still – it’s a good tip.

  • 5 Katherine Huether // Jan 22, 2008 at

    Sometimes when I feel I need inspiration and NOTHING works, I know I need to get out of the house and do something fun. πŸ™‚

  • 6 Michele L. Tune - Writing the Cyber Highway // Jan 23, 2008 at

    I agree with Katherine. Sometimes you just need to get away and have fun. πŸ˜‰

  • 7 laura // Jan 23, 2008 at

    Thanks Katherine!

  • 8 Writers forum // Jan 23, 2008 at

    I read you article with much interest as I think of of creating my own blog. This can help me and other writers who already own blogs to overcome similar problems in the future. I’ve posted part of your article at writer’s forum here http://www.writersclub.net/market_yourself_properly/bloggera%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDs_block-t127.0.html
    If you want you are welcome to participate in forum discussions.

  • 9 Laura // Jan 23, 2008 at

    Hi Writer’s Forum!

    I think it’s great that you’ve started a forum. You’re welcome to link to any of my articles or posts. Just make sure to give me and this blog credit.

    If, for some reason, you need an entire article, please contact me about reprint rights before posting it.


  • 10 (EMP) E-Marketing Performance » : » Team Reading List 1.23.08 // Jan 23, 2008 at

    […] Cat Got Your Tongue? […]

  • 11 Laura // Jan 23, 2008 at

    Your forum looks good, by the way. I didn’t get a chance to really browse in it, but I like the way that it is set up.

  • 12 Amy // Jan 28, 2008 at

    My cat gets my tongue every day. Fortunately I have a note book I write things down whenever i think of them so I can use that when I do run out of things to write about πŸ™‚
    Thank you for the great advice!

  • 13 Laura // Jan 29, 2008 at

    Hi Amy!

    A notebook is a great way to keep track of ideas.
    I’m glad that you liked the post.

  • 14 30 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block for Bloggers | Blogthority // Feb 21, 2008 at

    […] Cat Got Your Tongue? at WritingThoughts […]

  • 15 Team Reading List 1.23.08 | Pole Position Marketing // Apr 20, 2012 at

    […] Cat Got Your Tongue? […]

  • 16 Team Reading List 1.23.08 | Pole Position Marketing // Dec 6, 2013 at

    […] Cat Got Your Tongue? […]