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Why Blogs Fail

February 28th, 2014 · 4 Comments



These days it seems you either believe in blogging as a business tool, or you don’t. A lot of so-called experts are saying that blogging is dead.

Well, the truth is, they’ve been saying that for years. It’s no more true today, that it was five years ago.

But people will keep saying that blogs are dead as long as some blogs fail.

If you’ve been reading blogs for a while, you can probably think of some popular blogs that no longer exist and so can I. There are still others that you and I can visit, but that haven’t had new content for years.

With so much evidence of blogging failure, it’s easy to see why some may think blogging is dead. However, there are good reasons why blogs fail. And you can prevent it from happening to you.

In this post, I’ll share seven reasons why blogs fail.

7 Causes of Blog Failure

The truth is, like any other kind of business venture, blogs fail. That doesn’t make blogging as a business tool any less valuable.

Here are seven common causes of blog failure.

  1. Content not targeted to readers. Too many blogs fail to target their posts to a specific audience. Or, they are all about the blogger and not the reader.
  2. No blog promotion. Many blog owners think that writing and posting to a blog is all there is to blogging. If you really want your blog to succeed, you must work to bring in traffic.
  3. The concept of blogging as “passive. Many website owners think of blogging as passive income. They hire a writer and expect the dollars to roll in with no effort on their part.
  4. Expectations of instant success. Start a blog today, earn a blogging income tomorrow–right? Wrong! It can take months, even years, for a blog to become profitable.
  5. Not using a professional writer. You’re good at your business, but that doesn’t mean you can write. If you know your writing skills could be better, get some help before it’s too late.
  6. No new ideas. XYZ blog wrote a post on topic A, but that doesn’t mean your blog should post about topic A too. While it’s okay to be part of the conversation, avoid being a clone.
  7. Not engaging with readers. Reader interaction is one of the things that makes a blog post different from other types of content. If you’re not engaging, you’re doing it wrong.

Do you have a blog for your business? Is it performing by engaging your clients and prospects?

If not, your blog could be at risk for failure. As I professional writer, I can help.

Your Turn

Can you think of any other reasons why blogs fail? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Tags: Blogging

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Cathy Miller // Mar 3, 2014 at

    Kind of like email is dead, huh, Laura? 😉 I think we all stumble from time to time. Blogs are hard work. Sometimes you may need to step back and re-energize.

  • 2 Laura Spencer // Mar 3, 2014 at

    Hi Cathy. 🙂

    Actually, I’m glad email is not dead–I get a lot of inquiries from clients through email. I have yet to text message a client (although I understand that some people do text back and forth with their clients).

  • 3 Jenn Mattern // Oct 12, 2015 at

    Blogs play a big role in driving most of my freelance prospects to me, and email drives the most e-book sales. I’m glad both are still alive and well. 🙂

  • 4 Laura Spencer // Oct 12, 2015 at

    The same is true for me Jenn. I’m glad that some blogs are still around–including yours. 🙂

    I didn’t mean to imply that *all* blogs fail. I just meant to explain what goes wrong when some of them do fail.

    When I wrote the post, I was thinking of those blogs I used to enjoy that no longer exist.

    Most of the problems I list that cause blogs to fail could be fixed. It’s just that the owner often doesn’t bother (or doesn’t know what’s wrong).