
Copywriting, blogging, freelance writing, and much more…

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What Type of Writing Do You Do?

November 19th, 2007 · 13 Comments

In my continuing effort to get to know my readers better, I’ve devised another poll. Feel free to leave a comment explaining your answers.

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13 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jeanne Dininni // Nov 20, 2007 at

    Hi, Laura!

    My vote went in for blogging and web content, since those are the two types of writing I do most.


  • 2 James Chartrand - JCM Enterprises // Nov 20, 2007 at

    Gah, missed the deadline! Blogging and webcontent for me, too!

  • 3 Mary Emma Allen // Nov 20, 2007 at

    It’s interesting, Laura, to see how writing has moved to the Internet and blogging.

  • 4 Tammi // Nov 21, 2007 at

    My niche is psychology and autism. I write a lot of content (right now the focus is cell phones). I’m really a creative writer at heart but I love it all:)

  • 5 Laura // Nov 21, 2007 at


    I totally didn’t mean to post a poll and have it close on the same day. I went out to the poll site and tried to open it up again, but I don’t think it worked.

    Thanks to all of you for understanding. It’s amazing 13 of you managed to get to it before it closed.

  • 6 Laura // Nov 21, 2007 at

    Jeanne, James, Mary Emma, and Tammi – Thanks so much for participating.

  • 7 Courtney // Nov 21, 2007 at

    I didn’t cast my vote, but I’m with the majority here with web content. I also do ebooks and special reports.

  • 8 Matt Keegan // Nov 23, 2007 at

    My answer would have been multiple as I write for web content, I write magazine articles, I develop non-fiction articles, and I blog. Each of these are paid positions.

    I also write press releases which could come under Marketing and Public Relations.

  • 9 Solomon // Nov 24, 2007 at

    Hi Laura!

    I did copywriting all these nine odd years. i wrote brochures, ads, ad campaigns, press releases & retail advertising. But I like to write for magazines, blogs too on anything interesting.
    I feel blogging is the best media, which is instantly reaches the reader and holds the key as the future media.
    Best Wishes

  • 10 Laura // Nov 24, 2007 at

    Hi Courtney, Matt, and Solomon!

    Thanks for chiming in.

    It looks like a lot of my readers specialize in creating online content — definitely food for thought.

  • 11 Introducing Web Content Thursdays // Nov 29, 2007 at

    […] week I ran a poll to find out what type of writing the readers here do. Through a glitch that was entirely my fault the poll was only open a single day, but thirteen of […]

  • 12 Vivienne Quek // Dec 4, 2007 at

    I blog and occasionally invited to contribute an article to trade magazines.

  • 13 Patrick // Aug 29, 2008 at

    Thanks for sharing all these insights, tips and resources. I will surely take note of all of these. I have in fact bookmarked your site.