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Design Makeover in Progress

November 5th, 2007 · 6 Comments

As you can see, WritingThoughts is in the midst of a design makeover.

Actually, it’s nearly complete — there are a few more things that I’d like to tweak.

Stay tuned for the rest of the discussion about making money offline. I’ll also post the results of where my traffic comes from later this week.

I hope that you like the new look.

Tags: Uncategorized

6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Mary Emma Allen // Nov 6, 2007 at

    Nice, Laura. Did you do the redesign yourself? I can sort of do it when there’s a template to follow, as there is with my writing blogs at blogspot. But to go further than that, I’ve got a lot of learning ahead of me.

  • 2 Laura // Nov 6, 2007 at

    Hi Mary Emma!

    Well, this is actually a template — but it is one that you can customize yourself. The banner image is from one of my daughter’s paintings, so it should be unique.

    I know just enough about HTML to be dangerous.
    ; -)

  • 3 James Chartrand - JCM Enterprises // Nov 6, 2007 at

    I think it looks amazing – cool about your daughter’s pic, too!

    Couple of suggestions for you:

    Add a “subscribe to comments” plugin to the blog. I’ve found this to be one of my best resources, and it keeps me coming back to sites to continue commenting.

    Make your RSS button bigger and where people really see it. I had to go looking for it.

    Switch the location of the blogroll and categories, or put the blogroll underneath the categories.

    Good work!

  • 4 Nath // Nov 7, 2007 at

    Love the new look, and I guess a bit of a change is more than welcome every now and then! Congrats.

  • 5 Jeanne Dininni // Nov 7, 2007 at

    Love your blog’s new look, Laura–very clean and uncluttered!


  • 6 Laura // Nov 7, 2007 at

    Hi James, Nath, and Jeanne!

    I appreciate the encouragement.

    James – thanks for the specific advice. There’s a few more things that I’d like to do.

    One thing that I am considering is having a separate blogroll page. This would allow me to break the blogroll into categories and also to add many more blogs to it.

    I’d also like to fix the menu bar at the top (next to the subscription icon, which does need to be larger). That way I could remove the Pages category in the sidebar (maybe I could sell an ad in that space).

    Finally, I’d like to add a recent commentators panel.