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Book Review: Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul

August 19th, 2013 · 4 Comments

Portion of fresh Noodle Soup


Writing can be a thankless job. Often, your immediate family doesn’t get it. Even if you do a fantastic job, no one seems to notice. It can feel like you’re all alone.

Really, that’s what Chicken Soup for the Soul, Inspiration for Writers (not an affiliate link) is all about. It lists common challenges many writers face.

I received a review copy of this book, but was not paid to write this post. I am not an affiliate for this book.

Inside Chicken Soup for the Soul, Inspiration for Writers

If you open the covers of this book, you’ll find the stories of over 100 writers. You’ll find stories of common writer problems such as:

  • Finding the confidence to write
  • Making the time to write
  • Overcoming writer’s block
  • Persevering despite rejection
  • Finding and working with a mentor

And of course, there’s much more. Read this book, and suddenly you’re not quite alone anymore. Other writers have gone through the same thing.

You’ll also find snippets of writing advice and tips scattered throughout the book.

I do think that most writers will find one or more of these true writer stories encouraging. We could all use a little encouragement sometimes. At least I know I could. That makes this a handy book to have around for those days when you doubt your calling as a writer.

What You Won’t Find Inside

This is not a how to book. You won’t find a step-by-step guide on how to become a writer. But that’s not really what this book was meant to be. There are other books for that.

Also, you won’t find a good to the latest technology or even the latest social media platforms. Once again, there are other books for that.

This book does a really good job of what it’s meant to do, which is inspire writers.

On a personal note, one thing I did notice is that, while the book includes a wide variety of types of writers, as I was reading it I wanted there to be more writers who focused on my specialties of web content, copywriting, and blogging. Still, the differences between the types of writers are not so great that I didn’t find the stories in this book inspirational.

Your Turn

Have you read Chicken Soup for the Soul, Inspiration for Writers? What did you think?

Tags: Inspiration · Reviews

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Cathy Miller // Aug 19, 2013 at

    I have not read the book, Laura, but maybe you should write one for your specialties. 😉

  • 2 Laura Spencer // Aug 19, 2013 at

    Thanks Cathy,

    I’d love to do that, but of course it wouldn’t be part of this franchise.

    Really, this isn’t a single writer’s story. Rather it’s a group of stories from many different writers. So putting a book like this together would be a cooperative effort.

  • 3 Lyle @ The Joy of Simple // Aug 28, 2013 at

    Thanks for the review Laura 🙂

    While I have yet to read this particular edition of the Chicken Soup For The Soul series, I have read the Entrepreneurs edition and loved it! I also read another one which escapes me at the moment. I’m sure I’ll remember it when I click “Submit Comment”!

    Thanks again and take care.


  • 4 Laura Spencer // Sep 3, 2013 at


    Thanks for your comment. I think the edition for writers will be encouraging for many writers.