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A Peek Around The Writing Blogosphere, 10-4-2007

October 4th, 2007 · 5 Comments

What are other writers blogging about lately? Here’s some interesting reads from around the blogosphere:


Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

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5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jennifer // Oct 4, 2007 at

    Thanks for the mention! I especially liked the post from “Straight From Hel.” A great blog I’ll be checking out more often.

  • 2 Joanna Young // Oct 4, 2007 at

    Hi Laura, thanks for highlighting my piece 🙂

    Got to dash – poem to be written at problogger!


  • 3 Sharon Hurley Hall // Oct 4, 2007 at

    Thanks for the mention, Laura and for the link to Straight from Hel.

  • 4 Laura // Oct 4, 2007 at

    Hi Jennifer, Joanna, and Sharon!

    It seems like Helen Ginger’s blog is popular. I’ve been reading it for a while. I’m glad that I linked to it.

  • 5 Helen Ginger // Oct 8, 2007 at

    Laura, thank you for mentioning my blog. And in such great company!