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ReleaseAlerts.com: Don’t Miss a Word From Your Favorite Author

October 2nd, 2007 · 5 Comments

If you read WritingThoughts regularly, you know that I love to read and that I encourage others to read as well. That’s why I was excited when I was asked to review an exciting new service that helps you keep track of your favorite authors. This service sends you a free email alert whenever one of your favorite authors publishes a new book. The service is called ReleaseAlerts.com, and it’s incredibly easy to use.

I logged in to ReleaseAlerts.com and was able to type in the names of several of my favorite authors. The service listed all previously published works by that author, and even took me directly to an Amazon.com page where for each book listed. Since the service promises not to sell or distribute email addresses, I felt comfortable giving them my email information so that they could send me email alerts for newly published books.

One of my favorite authors, Beverly Lewis, has some volumes scheduled to come out in the next few months. Using ReleaseAlerts.com, I was able to see that her next book will be published on October 5, 2007, and after that she is scheduled to release several books in February of 2008. Since I know in advance that I want these books, I can put money aside in the budget for them now.

If you like music, ReleaseAlerts.com also works to track new albums from your favorite musicians. The service also keeps a list of both your favorite authors and musicians for you.

I can see a lot of uses for this service. Not only will it help me discover when my favorite artists publish new works, I can also see a gift planning application for it. I plan to find out the favorite authors and musicians of my family members and type those in to ReleaseAlerts.com. That way, when my husband’s favorite author publishes a new book, I have the option of buying it for him as a gift.

If you’re a reader, like I am, you may also want to use ReleaseAlerts.com to keep up to date with the works of your favorite authors. Check it out!

Tags: Sponsored Posts · Writing Tools

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Laura // Oct 2, 2007 at

    Hi Yvonne!

    I’m glad you liked it!

  • 2 Lillie Ammann // Oct 2, 2007 at

    Thanks for sharing this, Laura. I checked it out and was pleasantly surprised to see even small press authors listed – it appears anything at Amazon.com is there because the out-of-print edition of my first novel is there. (I changed publishers, and it’s only available as an e-book from the current publisher.) I wonder where they get the release dates and how small press and self publishers can get that information there in advance.

  • 3 Laura // Oct 3, 2007 at

    Hi Lillie!

    Those are good questions. I should add you to my list of favorite authors too.

    I honestly don’t know where they get the information, but some of it is there in advance of publication. As I noted in my review, Beverly Lewis is one of my favorites and the system already knew that she would release some books in February of 2008.

  • 4 Jennifer // Oct 3, 2007 at

    Tag, you’re it! Get details here: http://catalystblogger.blogspot.com/2007/10/eight-random-facts-about-me.html

  • 5 Laura // Oct 4, 2007 at

    Thanks Jennifer. I did this meme not too long ago. I’ll post a link to it.