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I’ve Been Interviewed!!

September 27th, 2007 · 8 Comments

I’ve been interviewed by Doris of Home Office Women for my work on Work From Home Momma. You can read the interview  here.

Doris runs a great blog that features interviews, product reviews, and general advice for all “home office women” (women who work from home).

If you work from home (and I know that many freelance writers do), then you’ll want to take a look at this resource. (Or, just stop by and say “hello.”)

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Tags: My Writing

8 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Lillie Ammann // Sep 27, 2007 at

    Congratulations on the interview, Laura. I tried to read it, but it stopped in the middle … Perhaps it’s a problem with my computer, but I haven’t had the problem elsewhere. Maybe Doris is just having a temporary glitch. I’ll check back later.

    I enjoyed what I read and look forward to reading the rest.

  • 2 Laura // Sep 27, 2007 at


    I’m sorry the interview was down when you were there. It does sound like a computer glitch. Hopefully, that will clear up soon.

  • 3 Terry Heath // Sep 28, 2007 at

    Congratulations, Laura. You mentioned how owning a business has increased your self confidence. That’s a benefit we often overlook when evaluating our online work. I think the same thing happens to our writing (confidence is built) when we write online too, as in blogging.

  • 4 Denise // Sep 28, 2007 at

    Thoroughly enjoyed the interview, Laura. 🙂

  • 5 Laura // Sep 29, 2007 at

    Hi Yvonne, Terry, and Denise!

    I’m really glad that you all enjoyed the interview.

  • 6 Jeanne Dininni // Oct 1, 2007 at

    Enjoyed your interview post, Laura! Thanks for sharing your rationale for working at home–as well as giving us some of the pros and cons! As freelancers, we can all relate to one or other–if not all–of your points! (I say “if not all” only because some may not apply to us, such as having young children at home.)

    Couldn’t find any way to leave a comment on your post; otherwise I would have. Did I miss something?

    Thanks again for a great post!

  • 7 Laura // Oct 2, 2007 at

    Thanks Jeanne!

    Doris has comments set up towards the bottom of the post. It’s a long post, so they’re easy to miss…

  • 8 Jeanne Dininni // Oct 2, 2007 at


    I suspect there’s still some kind of glitch at Doris’s blog–in fact I’m almost sure of it–unless it’s just my computer. There’s nothing but a lot of white space below the post; and now that you’ve told me that it’s a long post, I know something’s wrong!

    The post, as I see it, is fairly short and ends with “What do you do?” which I originally had thought was simply a question that you’d ended the post with–as we bloggers so often like to do–but I now realize is likely the heading for the next section. On my screen, there’s nothing else displayed after that question–except in the blog’s sidebars. (Should there be?)

    I might think that I were simply imagining things, if it weren’t for the fact that there’s no comment section either. Hope that between you and Doris you can figure this out!
