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Writing Notebooks: An Interactive Poll

September 25th, 2007 · 3 Comments

Do you use a writer’s notebook to keep track of your ideas?


Currently, I use a lot of files for drafts of future posts and projects. I do have a notebook in my purse as well.

Lately, I have been thinking of putting a writing notebook on my nightstand since I seem to get a lot of ideas when I wake up at night. Of course, the problem with that is that I would have to turn on the light to write in it and wake up DH.

Anyway, I decided to create a writer’s poll to find out how many writers use a notebook to record ideas and how often they use it:

Do You Use a Notebook To Record Your Ideas?

Ideas? What are those? Sometimes, but mostly I don’t. Faithfully. I have a notebook that I carry everywhere I go.

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Tags: Writing Tools

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Angela // Sep 26, 2007 at

    I don’t have a writing journal but I do have lots of stickie notes and small yellow note pads to quickly grab and jot stuff down. When I go on vacation or out of town I take one with me and when I get an idea for a blog post I jot it down at that time. Sometimes I don’t use a note pad at all. Sometimes I just check my e-mail and every time something pops into my head I pull up my BlogDesk and have at it. 😉

  • 2 Sam // Sep 26, 2007 at

    I have a small journal that was a gift from a fellow blogger. Before that, I used various, scattered notebooks, scraps of paper that reside on my desk, or quick and light writing software.

    I like the journal best, though. 🙂

  • 3 Laura // Sep 26, 2007 at

    Hi Angela!

    A sticky note person. I can totally relate.

    Hi Sam!

    The nice thing about journals is that they are portable. And you’re less likely to loss your notes if they are all in one place.