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Why You Need to Hire a Professional Blogger

October 30th, 2012 · 1 Comment


Let’s face it, your business blog is in trouble. You had hoped it would attract customers to your business. Perhaps you even hoped to earn some money with your website.

But it’s been a big disappointment. You get no traffic and certainly no customers. What could be wrong?

Well, let’s take a look at your business blog, shall we?

It’s hard to read. The copy isn’t formatted for the Internet. The headlines are boring. There’s nothing to draw a reader in.

But worst of all, you haven’t updated your business blog in months. Anyone who does stop by your blog will probably conclude that you’re out of business. After all, everyone knows there are thousands of abandoned websites online.

Yet, many business owners keep making the same two mistakes. Let’s take a look at those mistakes.

Mistake #1: I Can Write the Blog Myself

If this is your strategy, I have one question. How’s that working for you?

If you’re completely honest with yourself, you know that you really haven’t got the time to write blog posts. That’s why you’ve let it go for such a long time.

In fact, if you’re like a lot of people, writing isn’t your favorite thing to do.

Mistake #2: I Can Rely on Guest Posters

It’s true that there are hundreds of “bloggers” who would be happy to provide you with a free guest post for your blog. The only problem is, those bloggers aren’t promoting your company–they’re promoting theirs. They might even be your competition.

Plus, a sizeable number of guest bloggers do lousy work. Trust me on this, I used to approve and edit guest blog posts for a larger blog. Editing a guest blog post can take almost as long as writing one.

And, you never know when you’ll get a guest post in or who it will be from.

Fortunately, there’s a better way.

7 Advantages to Using a Professional Blogger

Savvy businesses rely on professional bloggers to get the best results from their business blog. Here are over seven ways a good professional blogger can help you:

  1. Provide good original quality content on a regular basis. Frequently updated content generally ranks higher in the search engines and draws more traffic.
  2. Help you find fresh ways to get your message across. Does it seem like your blog is saying the same thing over and over again. A professional can identify new angles.
  3. Offer a consistent style and voice. Using a professional blogger can give your blog a consistent professional image that it will lack if you rely totally guest posters.
  4. Target your customers and build a community. A good blogger will work with you to identify your target market. He or she will create relevant posts geared to your ideal customer.
  5. Understand and apply search engine principles. Do you know what organic SEO is? If you’re like most business owners, the answer is probably “no.” But SEO mistakes can impact your traffic.
  6. Respond to and moderate comments. When your blog gets more traffic, potential customers and others will leave comments. Someone needs to respond. A blogger can do that.
  7. Save you time. Let’s face it. Your time is valuable. You need to be focusing on your business. By letting someone else handle the blogging, you’ll have more time and energy for everything else.
  8. (Bonus advantage). Help you to get the most from social media. Do you know how to really make social media work for your business and your blog? A blogger can help your business blog attract social media attention.

Your Turn

Are you one of the many who have all but abandoned your business blog? What keeps you from blogging?

Ask your questions below, or you can learn more about my services here.

Tags: Blogging

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