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WAHM Wednesday: The Legacy We Leave

July 25th, 2007 · 2 Comments

The legacy that I am leaving to my daughters is something that has been on my mind a lot recently. Unlike when I was in the corporate world, now they see what I do every day. I remember when I was growing up I was never allowed to go to work with my dad. Now my kids are at work “with” me every day.

I’m really excited that the possibilities for working at home have expanded so much just in my own lifetime. I don’t just mean blogging either, I mean all kinds of opportunities. I can remember, not so long ago, when working at home was almost unheard of except in a few rare instances.

How do you think working at home has impacted your kids? Do you think it has a positive impact or a negative impact? Do you see it as part of the legacy you leave your kids?

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

Tags: WAHM

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Tammi // Jul 26, 2007 at

    Working from home is the perfect balance between having it all and staying home with the kids. I feel completely fulfilled. It’s a lot of work and it requires discipline. Hopefully, it will also serve as inspiration for my child…She’s only 2 but she’s already typing on her toy laptop.

  • 2 Laura // Jul 26, 2007 at

    Hi Tammi! That’s such a cute mental image–your two year old typing away at her laptop. You should make it a Wordless Wednesday some time.