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Link Love

July 20th, 2007 · 6 Comments

I’ve been running a gauntlet of deadlines for my bigger projects (one today, one Monday, one Tuesday, and one next Thursday).

As a result, I haven’t had time to write the thoughtful posts that I usually like to post here. Nor have I had the time to respond to memes. I’ll get to those posts. I’ve already got the ideas in my head. I just don’t have an idea materializer yet (although I once wrote about one on another blog).

In the meantime, I thought I’d give some of that link love back by listing the people who have linked to me this week.

People that have given me link love lately (in no particular order):

If you’ve given me link love in the last week or so and I accidentally forgot you, let me know and I’ll link to you here.

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

Tags: Uncategorized

6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Angela // Jul 20, 2007 at

    You’re so sweet!

  • 2 Jeanne Dininni // Jul 21, 2007 at

    Thanks, Laura!

    What a great idea for a quick, easy post–and one that makes other people feel special! Under the circumstances, how could any of us mind the brevity of such a thoughtful message!

    Wishing you the best with the projects you have coming due! You can do it!


  • 3 Mary Emma Allen // Jul 21, 2007 at

    Thank you, Laura, for the love link. This is something I should do more often. It’s a nice way to start the morning…to find someone is thinking of you and appreciates something you did. May you have a truly wonderful day with many blessings coming back to you.

  • 4 Faisca // Jul 22, 2007 at

    Thanks for the love! =)

  • 5 Vivienne Quek // Jul 23, 2007 at

    Thanks for the mention. 🙂

  • 6 Laura // Jul 23, 2007 at

    I was happy to do it. I haven’t been posting (or linking) as much as usual. Each of you linked to me in some way last week and this is my way of returning the favor.