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The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide: Book Review

July 13th, 2007 · 3 Comments

Recently I came across a copy of The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide (affiliate link, I receive a small fee for each book purchased). It’s basically a book that teaches the business person how to create an effective business plan. I’m actually reading this book as part of a project for one of my writing clients, but I thought I’d also review it for you here.

The book has all the information that you would expect of a book on business plans. It contains information about: creating an executive summary, preparing for due diligence, creating a marketing plan, creating an operational plan, creating a financial plan, and more.

The book has a little bit more in it than just information about business plans, though. In chapter three it also outlines and describes the legal forms that a business can take. In chapter fifteen it has a sample confidentiality agreement that could easily be adapted to your own business needs for more than just a business plan.

The book is solidly written from an informative stance. While it’s quite readable, it’s not an entertaining or compelling read.  If you are in the midst of developing your own business plan,  however,  it’s a tool you might want to have by your side.

So, you think that you’re too small to worry about details like a business plan or what legal form your organization should take? Think again. Many of today’s largest corporations started out as small or home-based businesses. Apple Inc. immediately comes to mind.

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

Tags: Reviews

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 A Book for Developing Your Home Business Plan // Jul 14, 2007 at

    […] Spencer at Writing Thoughts has reviewed a book, The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, that’s worthwhile to consider when you’re developing your home business […]

  • 2 A Book for Developing Your Home Business Plan // Jul 14, 2007 at

    […] Spencer at Writing Thoughts has reviewed a book, The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, that’s worthwhile to consider when you’re developing your home business […]

  • 3 A Book to Help You Develop a Quilting Business Plan // Jul 16, 2007 at

    […] Spencer at Writing Thoughts has reviewed a book, The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide, that’s worthwhile to consider when you’re developing your business […]