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Five Fab Resources for Freelance Writers

October 18th, 2011 · 14 Comments


I have a guilty little secret. I’ve found some great new writing blogs from fellow writers–but instead of sharing them with you, I’ve selfishly kept them to myself.

Well, today it’s time to pay it forward and share some of those writing resources.

I’m featuring a list of some of the blogs that I’ve enjoyed recently, plus a little bit about each blogger.

In no particular order, here are some writing blogs you may wish to check out:

  • Freelance Writing Dreams–This blog is a new project of writer Samantha Gluck. Already it promises to be one of the best sources of writing information out there. I met Samantha through Twitter, but quickly she evolved to a friend. She’s taken part in one my mini-coaching seminars, and we’ve exchanged several emails.
  • WagnerWrites–Claire Wagner provides good, solid writing advice on her blog. She also does a great job of covering social media and other relevant topics. I honestly don’t remember exactly how I met Claire–it seems that we’ve been in touch through social media for quite a while. We probably met through Twitter, though.
  • The Work At Home Woman–Although Holly Hanna’s blog is directed to any freelancer who works from home, most freelance writers should also find the topics here helpful. Holly contacted me by email a few months ago about a product that she wanted me to try and we’ve stayed in touch via social media ever since.
  • Freelance Writers’ Blog–This blog is from a fairly new contact. I met Harleena Singh through Google Plus, and her interesting shares and comments drew me to her blog. Harleena’s blog includes some topics that freelance writers typically debate as well as some practical informative posts. It’s definitely worth a read.
  • Simply Stated Business–What can I say about Cathy Miller’s blog, except that she taught me what QR codes are (and I’ve been noticing them everywhere ever since). That’s the sort of helpful information that you’ll find on her blog. Cathy’s another social media friend that I’ve been in contact with for quite a while–so long, in fact, that I’m not sure exactly where we met.

One of the great things about freelance writing is that there is a huge writing community out there to connect with. These blogs represent just a few members of that writing community. If you’d like to connect to the writing community yourself, a great way to do that is by leaving comments on other writer’s blogs. (You can start by leaving a comment on this post.)

In fact, one of the early features of this blog was a weekly review of various writing blogs. In retrospect, I think those reviews helped connect me to the online writing community more quickly than I otherwise would have gotten connected. I’ve since stopped publishing the weekly reviews, but you can view the first year’s worth of writing blogs that I reviewed here. (A few have been discontinued, but most still exist.)

Anyway, I’ve shared some of my favorite blogs from fellow writers. In the future, I plan to share more writing blogs (along with other great content).

In the meantime, what are your favorite writing blogs?

Tags: Of Note

14 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Sharon Hurley Hall // Oct 18, 2011 at

    Great picks, Laura. I already follow Harleena on G+, read all of Cathy’s posts and dip into Wagner Writes from time to time. I’ll have to check out the others. Another writing blog I love is Dana Prince’s blog: http://thefreelancewritersblog.com/

  • 2 Harleena Singh // Oct 19, 2011 at

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for this wonderful honor! I am glad you found my blog worthy of mentioning among such seasoned writers. I do follow Cathy and Claire, but would surely check out the others, as they come especially from you.

    Thanks once again 🙂

  • 3 Laura Spencer // Oct 19, 2011 at

    Thanks Sharon! 🙂 I do like Dana Prince’s work as well. I think that her blog (and yours) are listed in the older post that I linked at the end of the post. In fact, that link really contains a giant list of writing blogs.

    Harleena, It’s been a pleasure meeting you on Google plus. I’ve enjoyed both your shares and your blog. You definitely belong on the list!

  • 4 Sharon Hurley Hall // Oct 19, 2011 at

    That’s still a great list of blogs, Laura. I remember being thrilled when you featured my blog on Of Note. It made me feel that I was doing something useful and not just talking to myself.

  • 5 Samantha Gluck // Oct 19, 2011 at

    Hi Laura! Wow, what a surprise you gave me. I’m blushing from getting such a wonderful introduction from you. There are SO many blogs I love. Of course, I love https://www.writingthoughts.com, http://www.CopyBlogger.com, Sharon Hurley Hall’s – http://www.getpaidtowriteonline.com, http://www.jetBlogger.com (this one is a riot, at times) and so many others. I’ll have to make a habit of periodically posting a list of great blogs and writing sites.

    Thank you so much for including me in this distinguished list! You ROCK.


  • 6 Laura Spencer // Oct 21, 2011 at

    Thanks Sharon! I still check your blog often. 🙂 You publish some great material.

    Samantha–Thanks so much for sharing your favorites. I had not heard of jetBlogger, so I’ll be checking that one out.

  • 7 Samantha Gluck // Oct 26, 2011 at


    I’d love to hear your thoughts about JetBlogger. I love blogs that are “out there” — the ones that say the things that almost all of us want to say (do), but don’t. That’s why I’m so “in” to http://www.penelopetrunk.com/blog right now. She is amazing. She says things that I really would like to say (and some that I would not), but am really too afraid to say. She wrote the post that gave me a name for what I feel a lot of the time — Impostor Syndrome. Medtopicwriter.com recently made Freshly Pressed! Can you believe it? I never even thought of TRYING to get on FP. It just seemed “out there” for me. Since then, Medtopicwriter has enjoyed close to 1,000 daily viewers (the past 7 days). I know it’s going to dissipate soon, but I seriously can’t even believe it!


  • 8 Laura Spencer // Nov 1, 2011 at

    Hi Samantha!

    I also like people who say what’s on their mind. I haven’t read a lot of Penelope Trunk (just a few posts, really)–but she does seem to hold some very definite opinions.

    Congratulations on your success with Medtopicwriter.com. But remember, you are a professional, so success shouldn’t come as a surprise…

  • 9 Samantha Gluck // Nov 4, 2011 at

    Thanks, Laura! I’m becoming increasingly more confident that I deserve to be where I am in my medical niche. I worked hard, and continue to do so, to get the recognition I’ve gotten from the medical community and AHCJ. It really helps, though, to get a boost from someone I admire so much as I do you. xo

  • 10 Laura Spencer // Nov 8, 2011 at

    Thanks Samantha!

  • 11 Florante // Nov 21, 2011 at

    Hi Laura,

    It’s my first to visit your site and I’m glad i’ve found it. I’ve been diving into some writing jobs lately and it’s good to read some real life saving tips from the one who’s been-there-done-that. 🙂



  • 12 Laura Spencer // Nov 22, 2011 at

    Thanks Florante!

    Best wishes to you too.

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