
Copywriting, blogging, freelance writing, and much more…

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Entries from July 2007

The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide: Book Review

July 13th, 2007 · 3 Comments

Recently I came across a copy of The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide (affiliate link, I receive a small fee for each book purchased). It’s basically a book that teaches the business person how to create an effective business plan. I’m actually reading this book as part of a project for one of my […]


Tags: Reviews

I’m Thinking Again!

July 12th, 2007 · Comments Off on I’m Thinking Again!

Recently (the term is relative) two fellow bloggers nominated me for the Thinking Blogger Award. A special thank you for giving WritingThoughts the award goes to: Drawing On Words Mom and More I’m really honored by such a nomination. I feel like we have a community here that sparks conversation and helps us all to […]


Tags: Uncategorized

A Quick Peek Around The Writing Blogosphere, 7-12-07

July 12th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Here are some of this week’s interesting posts about writing: Adventures in Copywriting discusses the proper use of testimonials. An excellent piece about how to get good testimonials for your marketing pieces. Copybogger talks about using heroes in business blogs. It’s a great concept that I’d like to see more about. Lorelle on WordPress published […]


Tags: Uncategorized

WAHM Wednesday: Should We Allow Our Teenage Kids To Work?

July 11th, 2007 · 11 Comments

What do you think? Should teens work part-time during the summer and after school? Arguments in favor of teens working include: Teaches kids responsibility Teaches kids to handle money Gives kids extra spending money Arguments against teens working include: May expose teens to dangerous work environments May distract from schoolwork May allow kids just enough […]


Tags: WAHM

The Case of The Missing Payment … Happily Resolved

July 10th, 2007 · 8 Comments

It’s a freelancer’s worst nightmare! Thirty days had come and gone since I sent the invoice for my work and still I had received no payment. Even though this particular dollar amount wasn’t the bulk of my receivables for the previous month, it was still significant enough (several hundred dollars) to cause concern. All kinds of paranoid thoughts […]


Tags: WAHM

Redundancy—Root It Out Of Your Writing

July 9th, 2007 · 2 Comments

As I edit other people’s work I notice a lot of redundant phrases. Actually, the problem of redundancy is a good reason to have a second set of eyes look at your writing. It’s hard for a writer to recognize the problem for himself or herself. Typically, when two words that mean the same thing […]


Tags: Writing Tools

Group Writing Project Results Are In!

July 9th, 2007 · 7 Comments

The group writing project results are in for Robert Hruzek’s What I Learned From Travel group project. You’ve probably already read my entry. Here are the other entries: What I Learned From . . . Travel and Diversity, by Karin H. at Stop/Start What I Learned From Travel, by Benjamin Penfold-Marwick at Hello Internet What […]


Tags: Meme

What I Learned From Travel

July 6th, 2007 · 26 Comments

This is my entry into Robert Hruzek’s group writing project on what I learned from travel. With apologies to Robert, I’m going to expand on the theme a little bit and share what I learned about writing from travel. That’s right, this is a writing blog so I’ve decided to integrate writing into the project. […]


Tags: Inspiration · Meme

A Country Founded on Words

July 4th, 2007 · 9 Comments

I live in a country founded on words. Well, really on ideas. But ideas can’t come to fruition without the right words. If you doubt the importance of words, read the words of the Declaration of Independence. Words are important. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights […]


Tags: Inspiration

A Quick Peek Around The Writing Blogosphere, 7-3-2007

July 3rd, 2007 · 4 Comments

Here are some highlights from around the blogosphere: Lillie just finished a fabulous series on E-books. Here’s the first installment Mike discusses the importance of writing every day Joanna has published a blog spelling test Yvonne discusses the difference between brand and topic Don’t forget the new group writing project at Middle Zone Musings! Contents […]


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