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Entries Tagged as 'content marketing'

Why Online Content Is Such a Big Deal for Businesses

January 2nd, 2014 · Comments Off on Why Online Content Is Such a Big Deal for Businesses

Why bother to publish content online? Chances are you might be asking yourself this very question. After all, you already have a website and you do get some customer inquiries through it. What’s the big deal about content, anyway? Adding online content, such as blog posts and articles, is a bigger deal than you might […]


Tags: content marketing · Web Content

10 Online Content Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make

December 26th, 2013 · 2 Comments

Are you counting on your web copy for leads and conversions? If you are, you’ll want to pay close attention to this post. Not every business that publishes copy online gets it right. You won’t attract customers unless you really understand content marketing. In this post I’ll list ten common content mistakes.


Tags: content marketing · Web Content