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Entries Tagged as 'content marketing'

16 Secrets of Super Shareable Content

September 4th, 2015 · 3 Comments

How do you choose what to share on social media? Or on your blog, for that matter? If you’re like me, you receive several requests each day to reshare information. Often these requests are from people you’ve never heard of, or from people you barely interact with. How do you respond? In this post, I […]


Tags: content marketing · Web Content

10 Ways to Make a Dull Topic Sizzle

August 21st, 2015 · Comments Off on 10 Ways to Make a Dull Topic Sizzle

As a freelance writer, you can write about whatever you want to–right? Well, not if you want to earn a living as a writer. The idea that freelance writers only need to write about interesting topics is mostly a myth. If you’re a professional writer, you’ll have to write about topics your clients choose. Unless your interests are […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing · Writing Tips

How to Grab and Hold Your Reader’s Attention Online

March 13th, 2015 · 2 Comments

Mere seconds. That’s all it takes to lose the attention of someone who comes to your website. Remember, your competitor is just a mouse click away. You see, we online readers are a fickle bunch. And we’re in a hurry. It takes a lot to grab and hold our attention. Reading something online is a […]


Tags: content marketing · Web Content

Has Your Content Strategy Lost Its Focus? Here’s How to Tell

January 16th, 2015 · 1 Comment

You used to have a great blog. You received several thousand views every day and dozens of comments on every post. But something happened. Your audience has left. And so has your enthusiasm for your blog. I’ve seen this happen time and time again. Great blogs become good blogs, then okay blogs, and then fade […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing

4 Types of Creative Block and How to Overcome Each

January 9th, 2015 · 5 Comments

It’s the day before the deadline, and you’re stuck. You need help fast. Whether you’re a writer or some other type of creative professional, you’ve probably experienced creative block. (It’s also called writer’s block). It strikes both seasoned professionals and those who are new to their field. There are many posts on how to deal […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing

Why You Must Stand Out as a Freelance Writer to Succeed and 4 Easy Ways to Do It

December 5th, 2014 · 5 Comments

They think we’re all the same. Our clients, I mean. Many of them think that freelance writers are interchangeable. That’s the real reason why so many clients and would-be clients haggle with us on prices and treat us badly. They believe one freelance writer is pretty much the same as another. Of course, they’re wrong. […]


Tags: content marketing · Writing Tips

5 Options for Recycling Your Old Web Content

September 12th, 2014 · 2 Comments

How many posts have you published? 100? 200? More? If you’ve been blogging for as long as I have, you’ve probably published hundreds of posts. (For example, this blog has over 500 published posts.) You may be wondering what to do (if anything) with your old posts. In this post I answer that question. I’ll […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing · Web Content

Are You Ignoring Half Your Prospective Audience? (Timing Social Shares)

April 24th, 2014 · 2 Comments

Every night while you sleep thousands of prospective clients and readers for your blog get up and start to work. Your company or services are perfect for them. Yet they have no idea you exist. Why? They have no idea that you exist because you only share content and social posts during your own working […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing · Featured

Does Size Matter? A Look at Longer Blog Posts

April 17th, 2014 · 9 Comments

How long should a blog post be? In the past year, content specialists have cited the benefits of longer blog posts. By longer, they typically mean more than 2,000 words in length. According to experts, longer posts solve a lot of problems that web owners and small businesses face. Apparently, longer posts can improve your […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing

4 Lessons Learned After 7 Years of Professional Blogging

January 15th, 2014 · 18 Comments

The WritingThoughts blog quietly turned seven years old last week. There was no cake. No balloons. No fanfare. Yet for me, this blog started a significant phase of my freelance writing career. For years I had written for businesses in a variety of capacities, but I had not yet blogged for pay. Since starting WritingThoughts, […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing · Web Content