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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

Are You a Careless Writer?

October 11th, 2011 · Comments Off on Are You a Careless Writer?

If you’ve been following along for the past few weeks, you may have noticed that I’ve been listing the characteristics of a successful writer. We started with how approachable you are as a writer, moved on to your visibility, and today we’re talking about the importance of being careful. Why is being careful important to […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Are You an Invisible Writer?

October 4th, 2011 · 8 Comments

Too many freelance writers are invisible online, and it keeps them from getting the work they need. Did you ever notice how some freelance writers seem to be everywhere? No matter what social media, what forum, or what blog you read they seem to have a very visible presence there. Naturally, these visible writers are […]


Tags: Blogging · Writing Tips

Are You An Approachable Writer?

September 27th, 2011 · 5 Comments

As a freelance writer, you want and need clients and prospective clients to contact you. Yet, some writers have made this contact nearly impossible. In this post, I’ll explain what it means to be an approachable writer and then describe several ways that writers place barriers between themselves and their potential clients (often without realizing […]


Tags: Writing Tips

3 Tips To Help You Write Faster

September 20th, 2011 · 8 Comments

By Leslie A. Joy Whether you’re a professional writer or just someone writing a blog, time is of the essence. The faster that you write, the more content you can turn out, the more money you can make, and the more time you’ll have for other things. Isn’t more time something we all want? Here […]


Tags: Guest Posts · Writing Tips

5 Reasons Your Writing Is Misunderstood

August 10th, 2011 · 4 Comments

Miscommunication–It’s the bane of every good writer, yet all too often it happens. What would you say if I told you that many communication problems that writers face could be traced to five common causes? You’d want to know those causes, wouldn’t you? Well, so did I–so I developed this list of problems that cause […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

Google+ and Freelance Writing

July 5th, 2011 · 18 Comments

For the past few days, I’ve been using Google+, which (in case you haven’t been following the tech news) is Google’s much anticipated entry into social media. I’d never call myself a social media expert, but I do use social media as a tool to help market my freelance writing business and share my blogging […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

Why Accountability Is Important for Freelance Writers

June 21st, 2011 · 2 Comments

What holds freelance writers (and especially new writers) back? It’s a fact that many new writers do not live up to their potential as a writer. Even experienced writers sometimes fail to meet their true potential. (Of course, few writers want to admit this fact, let alone discuss it.) Writers not living up to their […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Don’t Let Poor Writing Skills Hold You Back

June 16th, 2011 · 3 Comments

Headline after headline proclaims the sad news–writing skills are deteriorating. Blame the texting. Blame social media. Blame the schools. Blame whoever or whatever you want–it doesn’t really matter. The facts are the same. The sad truth is that if you can’t write well you’ll have fewer opportunities in life. Communication skills are key to success.


Tags: Featured · Writing Tips · Writing Tools

The Hazards of Writing with a Conversational Style

May 31st, 2011 · 8 Comments

Don’t get me wrong. I happen to think the conversational writing style is the greatest thing to hit business writing since the word processor. (Well, almost…) But, there are some definite hazards associated with using a conversational style.


Tags: Writing Tips

What Is the Difference Between An Article and a Blog Post?

May 10th, 2011 · 15 Comments

Some would argue that there’s no difference at all. Indeed, the lines between article blog posts are becoming increasingly blurry. (Yes, I still prefer to tack the word “posts” on the end, with a blog being the site where the posts are published. I am aware that some writers refer to their posts as “blogs.”) […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips