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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

Why I Connect with Other Freelancers and Why You Should Too

June 19th, 2012 · 16 Comments

How friendly are you to your fellow freelancers? Lately, I’ve noticed that there’s some bad social media advice about freelancer networking being given. The advice goes like this–you shouldn’t connect with other freelancers through social media. Instead, you should only connect with those companies that can hire you right away. However, if you’re not including […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

What Does a Freelance Editor Do?

June 5th, 2012 · 8 Comments

The word “editor” is used by companies in two very different ways. As a freelancer, you need to understand what it means to be asked to be an editor. If your client is not clear about your editing responsibilities, ask. Fortunately, I’ve done both types of editing so I’ll help you out in this post […]


Tags: Writing Tips

When Less Is More for the Freelance Writer: Fewer Projects

May 2nd, 2012 · 16 Comments

We freelance writers can get hung up on numbers and the numbers we tend to like are big ones. We like to talk in terms of lots and lots. But big numbers aren’t always better for the freelance writers–especially when it comes to the number of projects you handle. Sometimes less is more for the […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Should You Be the Negative Writer?

April 4th, 2012 · 7 Comments

One of the things I’ve noticed over my years of blogging is that there’s a fair amount of ranting and raving going on in the blogosphere. Such bloggers even appear to get attention at times. So, is it worth it? Should you be the negative writer on your blog? Many bloggers claim that negativity makes […]


Tags: Blogging · Writing Tips

5 Times When a Style Guide Is Important

February 29th, 2012 · 3 Comments

Working according to a style guide can save both you and your client time and money. When I worked as a writer in the corporate world, each company had their own style guide. The style guide listed the writing rules that a particular company wanted followed. More than that, it saved time and money by […]


Tags: Writing Tips · Writing Tools

Why Your Readers Don’t Respond

January 20th, 2012 · 8 Comments

Have you been writing marketing copy? Are you getting little or no results–even though you can tell from analytics that your pages are being read? Your headline is hot. Your writing rocks. Your topic fits–yet none of your readers ever *do* anything at all. Why not? What could be wrong?


Tags: Writing Tips

Five from the WritingThoughts Archives

December 27th, 2011 · Comments Off on Five from the WritingThoughts Archives

Sometimes it’s nice to sit back and share past material with the readers. This is one of those times. I like to share past posts for a couple of reasons. First of all, readers may have missed the posts the first time around. Secondly, a second reading often brings a fresh perspective. Today, I thought […]


Tags: Writing Tips

What Can You Learn from Your SUCCESS?

December 13th, 2011 · 3 Comments

We like to focus on failure. We often tell ourselves that we should learn from our mistakes (and indeed we should), but if we stop there we’re not doing ourselves any favors. You see, while we don’t want to repeat our mistakes we definitely DO want to repeat our successes. But we can’t do that […]


Tags: Writing Tips

How Blogging Makes Me a Better Writer

November 15th, 2011 · 9 Comments

There’s been a lot of talk about blogging lately. Some online personalities have stated publicly that as social media becomes more mature and starts to offer more features, there’s little reason to continue with their own blog. Others haven’t made any such statement, but have constructively abandoned their own blog (not posting for weeks or, […]


Tags: Blogging · Fun Stuff · Inspiration · Web Content · Writing Tips

Even More Helpful Tips for Writers

November 1st, 2011 · Comments Off on Even More Helpful Tips for Writers

Are you looking for information about writing and other writing-related tips? You’ve come to the right place! I’ve packed this blog with writing information. However, some of you may not be aware that I write on other blogs. Yet, some of those other posts also contain information that might be useful to writers. So today, […]


Tags: Blogging · Frequently Asked Questions · Fun Stuff · Guest Posts · Inspiration · Meme · My E-Book · My Writing · Of Note · Writing Tips