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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

What Is Quality Web Content? 7 Characteristics that Indicate Quality

May 30th, 2013 · 6 Comments

Along with social media engagement, quality web content is one of the vital elements of effective content marketing. Yet many small businesses get content wrong. Most small businesses think that just because they publish often or publish extra long pieces, it’s enough. They’re wrong and that mistake could be costing them clients. In this post, […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

A Banana’s a Banana, but Not All Web Content Writers Are the Same

April 10th, 2013 · Comments Off on A Banana’s a Banana, but Not All Web Content Writers Are the Same

As I was buying our weekly groceries last week, it struck me (again) how much writers vary. You see, I always buy a bunch of bananas during our weekly shopping trip. In fact, the store I go to really only offers two different kinds of bananas: organic and non-organic. (Once in a great while, they […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Should You Start a Sentence with And or But?

February 13th, 2013 · 6 Comments

My sixth grade English teacher would have said “no.” If you’re a sixth grade English teacher, you probably need to stick to the rules when you write. After all, you don’t want your students picking up any bad habits. If you’re a blogger or a marketer, however, you have a bit more leeway.


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

What Is Your Client’s Communication Style? What Is Yours?

February 6th, 2013 · 12 Comments

Everybody has their own communication style. Yet many freelance writers do not realize this, and try to use a cookie cutter mold to communicate with all of the clients. The cookie cutter approach doesn’t work. You need to be aware of how your clients prefer to communicate and how you prefer to communicate.


Tags: Writing Tips

Should You Market Yourself as an Expert?

January 17th, 2013 · 3 Comments

Being able to write articles and posts as an expert can bring you more money, so the motivation for a freelance writer to label themselves as an expert in a particular field is evident. But should you do it? Should you call yourself an expert? In this post, I’ll examine the trend of “expert” freelance […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Why Bylines Are Important

December 5th, 2012 · 9 Comments

It’s not what you think. A lot of people think bylines are important because we writers like to see our names published. They think that it’s all about ego. Well, okay, maybe that’s a little bit true. It is gratifying to see my name on a piece of writing that I’m proud of. But I […]


Tags: Writing Tips

I Can’t Afford to Write for Free (and Neither Can You)

October 18th, 2012 · 12 Comments

It’s just too expensive to give my writing away. Unless, of course, it’s for a publication that’s at the top of its game–say, somewhere like Copyblogger or The New York Times. Even then, I couldn’t keep up writing for free for long. You see, writing is my profession. It’s how I earn my living.


Tags: Blogging · Web Content · Writing Tips

The Right Way to Use Someone Else’s Copy

September 6th, 2012 · 8 Comments

Copying is NOT the highest form of flattery. Yet copying seems to be a constant problem on the web. Sometimes it seems that no blog or website has gone untouched. I’m frequently asked if my material can be used in its entirety elsewhere. Generally, the answer is “no.” After all, the posts on this blog […]


Tags: Frequently Asked Questions · Web Content · Writing Tips

How Important Is Correct Spelling for the Professional Writer?

August 7th, 2012 · 8 Comments

Answer: Very important. Spelling words correctly is very important for professional writers. Spelling mistakes distract from the message you are trying to convey to your reader. “No problem!” You say. “I have a spell checker on my word processor. I won’t be making any mistakes.”


Tags: Writing Tips

10 Low Intensity Tasks for When You’re Tired (or Just Can’t Focus)

July 23rd, 2012 · 19 Comments

Did you ever have one of those days when you just didn’t feel like writing? Writing takes a lot of focus. If you’re tired, sick, or otherwise distracted you might have trouble staying on task with your writing. However, there are many low intensity tasks that you can do to help your freelance writing business […]


Tags: Writing Tips