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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

4 Reasons Why Freelance Writers Need to Take a Break

June 13th, 2014 · 3 Comments

“I’ve been freelancing for over seven years and in all that time I’ve never had a day off, not even a weekend.” Those words made me sad when I read them on a forum for freelance writers. I know firsthand that not taking a break can exact a heavy toll on a freelance writer. Of […]


Tags: Writing Tips

5 Really Bad Writing Gigs that Keep Perfectly Good Writers from Making Ends Meet

May 22nd, 2014 · 7 Comments

Do “prospects” ask you to write for free or way below market rate? If you’re a freelance writer, chances are good that you’ve been approached by a so-called “prospect” with an offer you must refuse. You must refuse the offer if you want to stay in business, that is. After all, you can’t spend all […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

Professional Proposal Creation Tool Saves Time, Quote Roller Review

May 15th, 2014 · 8 Comments

One of the most important things that a freelancer can do is get their client agreements in writing. I’ve said this over and over again, yet many freelance writers still fail to get a written agreement before starting a project. I get it. I do. Writing a client proposal is hard. What do you do […]


Tags: Writing Tips · Writing Tools

How to Help Other Writers and Earn Money Too

May 1st, 2014 · 4 Comments

Freelance writing is a tough field. Getting started takes a huge leap of faith. Plus, most new freelance writers struggle at first. New writers struggle because they’re faced with situations that they didn’t expect. They don’t know what to do. Many quit. Others wind up working for far less than they’re worth. If you’ve been […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Tighten Your Web Writing in 6 Easy Steps

March 14th, 2014 · 5 Comments

When it comes to writing for the web, you have to grab your reader’s attention quickly. In many cases, you have just seconds before they click away. That’s why shorter is better. Shorter paragraphs. Shorter sentences. Shorter words. A newbie mistake when it comes to online content is to write like you’re trying to impress […]


Tags: Featured · Web Content · Writing Tips

Is Writing Fast Really a Good Idea?

February 12th, 2014 · 8 Comments

Recently, I’ve seen another flurry of posts and even eBooks that claim to teach writers how to write more quickly. (Out of respect for the authors, who are some of my most admired professional colleagues, I’ve decided not to link to those posts and resources here.) I have to ask myself, is speedier writing really […]


Tags: Inspiration · Writing Tips

Words Can Sell

January 20th, 2014 · Comments Off on Words Can Sell

Can you use words to sell your product or services? The quick answer is “yes.” Words do sell. That’s what copywriting, content marketing, and many other writing-related marketing endeavors are all about. But not all words will sell your products or services equally well. One of the most popular older posts on this blog is […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

10 More Words to Cut from Your Writing

November 18th, 2013 · Comments Off on 10 More Words to Cut from Your Writing

By Shanna Mallon “In the digital age, short writing is king,” says Roy Peter Clark, president of journalism think tank the Poynter Institute and author of How to Write Short: Word Craft for Fast Times. People don’t have attention spans for fluff. They don’t want to read language that’s verbose. That’s why, today more than […]


Tags: Guest Posts · Writing Tips

Why Original Ideas Often Fail

October 28th, 2013 · 2 Comments

Clients want them. The search engines want them. Social media wants them. The Internet is all about original ideas, or so it would seem. Yet often, the most popular articles and blog posts are not those with unique ideas. What gives? Why don’t original ideas generate more shares? In this post, I’ll discuss my thoughts […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

FAQ: What Voice Should I Use?

October 1st, 2013 · Comments Off on FAQ: What Voice Should I Use?

Clients are often confused about voice. I often get the question “what voice should I use on my web pages and blog?” Like the answer to so many questions, the answer to this question is…it depends. It depends on who your intended audience is. It seems that there’s a lot of confusion about voice. The […]


Tags: Frequently Asked Questions · Writing Tips