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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

Help Clients Find You with Writer Profile Sites (Revisited)

May 8th, 2015 · 6 Comments

How easy is it for potential clients to find you online? There are thousands of freelance writers out there. A strong online presence is crucial for attracting clients. But if you’re like most new freelance writers, you may be rather hard to find online. Even if you have a website and/or blog, it may not […]


Tags: Writing Tips

What You Need to Know About Writing Certifications

April 17th, 2015 · 18 Comments

Should freelance writers get a certification? Will having a certification help you to get more jobs or higher pay? There’s no question that in some industries a certification is a definite advantage. In accounting, for example, being a Certified Public Accountant often means earning more money. In the IT fields, having a certification can also […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

Is Your Boss Terrible Even Though You’re a Freelance Writer?

April 10th, 2015 · Comments Off on Is Your Boss Terrible Even Though You’re a Freelance Writer?

If you said “yes,” there’s a problem. The problem is that if you’re a freelancer, you’re the boss. And you’re messing that up or you wouldn’t be so unhappy. Many writers start freelancing so they don’t have to work for a terrible boss. But they wind up hating freelancing because they don’t treat themselves well. […]


Tags: Small Business · Writing Tips

Why You Might Be Losing Gigs without Even Knowing It and What to Do to Fix It

March 20th, 2015 · 7 Comments

Are you getting enough freelance writing work? Do you apply for gig after gig, but never receive an answer? If you can relate, you could be alienating your prospective clients without realizing it. (Don’t worry. Most freelance writers face this problem sooner or later.) The sad truth is that a prospect who passes you by […]


Tags: Writing Tips

What Is Scannable Content and How to Write It If You Publish Online

February 27th, 2015 · 6 Comments

Do your posts and articles look like college term papers? If they do, you’re making a big mistake (and your web traffic probably shows it). Not writing scannable content just may be the number one rookie writer mistake new writers make. Don’t worry. If you’re making this mistake, you’re not alone. I made it myself […]


Tags: Web Content · Writing Tips

Why You Should Get Out of Your Pajamas and Out of Your House Today

February 20th, 2015 · 10 Comments

Ahh, the freelance writer. Bleary eyed, day after day he or she sits at home staring at the computer, clad only in a pair of scruffy (and somewhat smelly) pajamas. Alone. If the freelancer is a guy, it’s been at least a week since he shaved. And of course, a female freelancer wears no makeup. […]


Tags: Writing Tips

10 Freelance Writing Money Traps and How to Avoid Them

February 6th, 2015 · 3 Comments

What causes a freelance writer to go out of business? There are many answers to that question, but money problems are high on the list. Lots of freelance writers struggle with their finances. Freelancing is different than working for an employer. Those differences take many freelancers by surprise. They can lead to some unpleasant financial […]


Tags: Small Business · Writing Tips

What Freelance Writers Must Know About Ghostwriting

January 30th, 2015 · 8 Comments

There’s a growing demand for writers who can produce high quality ghost-written pieces. Ghostwriters create anything from corporate blog posts to personal memoirs, and more. As you consider various writing projects, you will probably eventually be offered a ghostwriting project. You may wonder. “Is ghostwriting for me?” In this post I’ll explore that question. In […]


Tags: Blogging · Writing Tips

10 Useful Posts You May Have Missed

December 22nd, 2014 · Comments Off on 10 Useful Posts You May Have Missed

For the next few weeks, I’ll be focusing on spending time with friends and family. I’m looking forward to the rest. But I don’t want to take the break without first leaving you with some good reading material. So, I’ve sifted through the posts to find some of the best and most relevant posts for […]


Tags: Featured · Writing Tips

Why You Must Stand Out as a Freelance Writer to Succeed and 4 Easy Ways to Do It

December 5th, 2014 · 5 Comments

They think we’re all the same. Our clients, I mean. Many of them think that freelance writers are interchangeable. That’s the real reason why so many clients and would-be clients haggle with us on prices and treat us badly. They believe one freelance writer is pretty much the same as another. Of course, they’re wrong. […]


Tags: content marketing · Writing Tips