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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

What Is the Worst Problem Freelance Writers Face?

February 5th, 2016 · 14 Comments

If you’re a freelance writer, you know that you’re going to have problems. I’ve written about this before. I’ve covered problems like fear, writer’s block, and even distractions. What I’ve noticed over the years is that bloggers and other writers tend to focus on certain problems and ignore others. That got me thinking. Are there […]


Tags: Featured · Small Business · Writing Tips

Fear and the Freelance Writer

January 15th, 2016 · 7 Comments

Is fear affecting your freelance writing success? You may think the answer is “no.” Think again. Fear can remain hidden and affect your decisions without you realizing it. If you’re struggling to get your writing business going, fear might be the problem. In this post, I discuss some of the symptoms of underlying fears we […]


Tags: Featured · Inspiration · Writing Tips

9 Ways to Reboot Your Freelancing Business This Year

January 8th, 2016 · 7 Comments

The start of any new year represents opportunity. It’s also a good time to establish healthy business practices that will carry you through the year. If you’ve been a freelancer for a while, the new year isn’t a blank slate for you. But it is the start of a new fiscal period. That means changes […]


Tags: Small Business · Writing Tips

Is Blogging Still Important?

December 18th, 2015 · 9 Comments

It’s become popular lately to state that blogging is not important for freelance writers. That’s why the post Should a Freelance Writer Have a Blog? from my colleague John Soares caught my eye. John addresses the question that many freelance writers and other freelancers are asking. “Should I blog?” In this post, I’ll share my […]


Tags: Blogging · Writing Tips

Is Freelance Writing for You?

November 6th, 2015 · Comments Off on Is Freelance Writing for You?

Lots of would-be writers ask me about making the switch from a conventional job. But I’m always cautious about making the recommendation. Freelancing doesn’t work out for everyone. That’s why I’ve written posts like 5 Surprises New Freelance Writers Face and 21 Hard Decisions Freelance Writers Face. I want to give prospective writers a balanced […]


Tags: Small Business · Writing Tips

7 Truths You Must Know to Name Your Rate & 7 Resources to Help You

October 30th, 2015 · 3 Comments

Freelance pricing is one of the most common topics that freelancers like to discuss. There’s a reason freelancers like to discuss pricing. We talk about it because most of us struggle to set our price. In this post I share seven truths about pricing that I’ve learned over the years. I also list seven recent […]


Tags: Small Business · Writing Tips

10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Writing Self

October 2nd, 2015 · Comments Off on 10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Writing Self

Did you ever wish you could go back in time and let your younger self in on some of what you’ve learned? If we’re honest, I think we all wish that we could take we’ve learned into the past. It would be great to benefit early from our accumulated life experience. It isn’t possible to […]


Tags: Inspiration · Writing Tips

10 Golden Rules of Self-Editing

September 25th, 2015 · 10 Comments

While larger publications often use a copy editor, smaller publications often do not. This means that it is doubly important for us to check over our own work. Self-editing is hard, though. It’s easy to miss your own mistakes. That’s because when you read something you’ve written, your mind tends to “fix” minor mistakes in […]


Tags: Writing Tips

How Stressful Is Freelance Writing?

September 11th, 2015 · Comments Off on How Stressful Is Freelance Writing?

When I tell friends I’m a freelance writer, a common response is “Wow, you’re lucky. I’d love to avoid work-related stress.” People assume that I don’t have any work-related stress because I’m self-employed and work at home. They’re wrong. While I love freelance writing and enjoy the perks that go along with it, there are […]


Tags: Inspiration · Writing Tips

10 Ways to Make a Dull Topic Sizzle

August 21st, 2015 · Comments Off on 10 Ways to Make a Dull Topic Sizzle

As a freelance writer, you can write about whatever you want to–right? Well, not if you want to earn a living as a writer. The idea that freelance writers only need to write about interesting topics is mostly a myth. If you’re a professional writer, you’ll have to write about topics your clients choose. Unless your interests are […]


Tags: Blogging · content marketing · Writing Tips