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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

FAQ: What Do You Think About Writing For Exposure?

November 20th, 2008 · 15 Comments

Every so often I get one of these offers – just write an article (or two, or three) for us free of charge and it will help you market your freelance writing business by giving you exposure as a writer on our website. You probably know the kind of offer that I mean. If you’re […]


Tags: Frequently Asked Questions · Writing Tips

Is Your Freelance Writing Timeless?

August 26th, 2008 · 16 Comments

Is your writing timeless? By timeless I mean, will your content be meaningful to readers ten or twenty years from now? An example of writing that is already losing its meaningfulness would be an article about how to program a VCR. Or going back even further, a magazine article about how to operate an eight-track […]


Tags: Inspiration · Writing Tips · Writing Tools

Do You Do Your Best Work For Someone Else?

August 7th, 2008 · 18 Comments

I know that I do. Of course, I started this blog with all the right intentions, hoping to spotlight some of my best work here. In the real world, however, it just hasn’t turned out that way. Don’t get me wrong. There’s some good stuff here, on WritingThoughts. Plus, I hope to post some good […]


Tags: My Writing · Writing Tips

Success Tips For Writers

June 6th, 2008 · 4 Comments

Do you ever struggle to figure out what to write or blog about? Have you ever wrestled with the infamous writer’s block? Do the best ideas for articles and blog posts seem to come at the most inconvenient times? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then know that you’re not alone. Other […]


Tags: Blogging · Inspiration · My Writing · Writing Tips · Writing Tools

Book Review: The Well-Fed Self Publisher

June 3rd, 2008 · 8 Comments

I’ve had a curiousity about self-publishing for a time now. Actually, I think that most writers are curious about it. When the opportunity came up to review a copy of Peter Bowerman‘s new book, The Well-Fed Self-Publisher (affiliate link, I receive a small fee for each book purchased), I jumped on it. I confess that […]


Tags: Reviews · Writing Tips · Writing Tools

I’m Not A Writing Robot, Are You?

May 15th, 2008 · 6 Comments

The real truth is that even the very best writers need down time. We need time to recharge our engines. We need time to update our skills and learn how to hone our craft. We need time to spend with our friends and families. If we really do need down time, why do so many […]


Tags: Writing Tips · Writing Tools

Are You Growing as a Writer?

May 5th, 2008 · 5 Comments

Living things grow and change. That’s an indisputable fact, and growth is often for the best. It can lead to changes which can lead to improvement. But, when it comes to our professions, many of us are not growing. We’re not changing, and we’re not getting better. Our writing consists more and more and more […]


Tags: Writing Tips

My Twitter Diary: The First Week

April 5th, 2008 · 5 Comments

After a week of using Twitter, I thought that I’d publish my first impressions of the media. (This is NOT my conclusions about whether or not Twitter is useful as a business tool, which I’ll publish later in the month on Business and Blogging. Rather, this is a description of my initial experiences.) 1st Day […]


Tags: Fun Stuff · Writing Tips · Writing Tools

Should You Have a Contract?

April 4th, 2008 · 3 Comments

This is the business side of freelance writing that we don’t like to talk about very often. We should talk about it, though. Talking about it can be the difference between success and failure. The truth is: freelance writing is risky. Any time you accept a project, there’s risk associated with that project. We’ve all […]


Tags: My Writing · Writing Tips

Does Your Content Deliver?

March 25th, 2008 · 9 Comments

I was conducting research for some projects yesterday when I realized that most of the search results that I was getting were not helping me at all. Either the headline itself was misleading, or article was actually on the topic — but the content was too broad and the article contained no new information. The […]


Tags: Blogging · Web Content · Writing Tips