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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

Are You an Adequate Writer or An Excellent Writer?

October 16th, 2009 · 26 Comments

Your answer to that question could make all the difference in your freelancing career. The world of freelance writing seems to be polarizing into two distinct types of writer: the adequate writer and the excellent writer.


Tags: Inspiration · Writing Tips

An End to the Feast or Famine Cycle? (Demand Studios review)

September 12th, 2009 · 49 Comments

(Update July 2015: This review is over six years old and has not been updated. I’m leaving it on the site because it still gets a small number of readers. However, I would like to direct writers who are starting out to my review of the Freelance Writers Den or the ebook I wrote with […]


Tags: Reviews · Writing Tips

The Economy, New Clients, And You

September 4th, 2009 · 8 Comments

By Carson Brackney I just watched the news. The US economy shed nearly 400,000 jobs in July. The latest projections estimate that another 300,000 people lost jobs in August. Amazingly, that’s almost good news relative to the even higher numbers from previous months. That’s just one of many proofs that our economy is struggling. GDP […]


Tags: Guest Posts · Writing Tips

(Un)Healthy Comparison

May 27th, 2009 · 18 Comments

Do you compare yourself with other writers? The Internet has made it easier than ever to compare ourselves with other freelance writers and bloggers easier than ever. The question is: Is comparison with other writers healthy?


Tags: Inspiration · Meme · Writing Tips

WritingThoughts Versus The Five Minute Article Writers

April 25th, 2009 · 38 Comments

They are at it again – those misguided individuals who claim that they can write a quality 500-word article in five minutes. Most experienced writers realize this claim is ridiculous, so normally I wouldn’t even mention it except for one sad fact: a few unfortunate companies have been taken in by the so-called writers who […]


Tags: Writing Tips · Writing Tools

How Has The Economy Affected Your Writing Business?

April 21st, 2009 · 8 Comments

A friend asked me recently how the economy was affecting my writing business. My answer, surprisingly, was: “so far, not much.” I have lost a few clients in the past year – but they were my lowest paying clients anyway. A few other low-paying clients have contacted me less frequently.


Tags: Writing Tips

What’s Good For The Goose. . .

March 31st, 2009 · 2 Comments

There’s an old saying: what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Basically, it means that if something works for one person, it should also work for another. It’s a nice saying – but it isn’t always true. I’ve found it to be particularly not true when it comes to advice given out […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Words, My Secret Weapon

March 6th, 2009 · 6 Comments

I’m often asked what it takes to become a freelance writer. There’s all kinds of answers that I could give to that question, but basically it boils down to one key factor: WORDS – I’m good with them. In fact, without my writing ability everything else that I’ve learned would be relatively useless. It’s always […]


Tags: Inspiration · Meme · Web Content · Writing Tips

Can You Get Too Comfortable With Your Freelance Writing Business?

March 4th, 2009 · 9 Comments

Is it possible for a freelance writer to get too comfortable? I believe that it is. In fact, I think that’s where I’ve been recently. My business is providing a comfortable income for me. I have some good clients who give me repeat business on a regular basis. I know how to do my work […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Five Reasons Why Bargain Writers Are Not Always a Bargain

February 11th, 2009 · 5 Comments

If you purchase copywriting services or articles, then you may be tempted to use a “bargain” writing service to meet your writing needs. In this economy, such a temptation is understandable. Everyone is looking for a way to trim costs. However, if you use one of the so-called bargain writing services there are a few […]


Tags: Writing Tips