
Copywriting, blogging, freelance writing, and much more…

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Entries Tagged as 'Writing Tips'

In-house or Freelance?

October 11th, 2010 · 9 Comments

Should you trust that big writing project to a freelance writer or handle it in-house? The answer is…it depends. As someone who has been both an in-house writer and a freelance writer, I can look at the question from both sides.


Tags: Writing Tips

Why You Must Know Your Audience

October 6th, 2010 · 7 Comments

Who are you writing for? If you can’t answer that question, you may be in trouble. The reason that a lot of marketing copy, blog posts, and yes, especially technical manuals is ignored is because the author failed to adequately analyze their audience.


Tags: Writing Tips

10 Tips on How Better Copy Boosts Customer Confidence

September 29th, 2010 · 4 Comments

By James Adams When customers feel confident about your product, they will buy it. Each word you write for your website should bring your viewers closer to purchasing that product. Whether it be through stories, list articles or article marketing, that confidence and comfort that you create will carry through to conversion.


Tags: Guest Posts · Writing Tips

Over 12 Must-Read Posts That I Wrote Especially for Writers

July 5th, 2010 · 8 Comments

Some of you already know that I blog at a few other places besides WritingThoughts. I usually try to concentrate my writing advice here, but over the past few months quite a few of my posts on writing have been published elsewhere.


Tags: My Writing · Writing Tips

Why Not Everyone Should Be a Freelance Writer

June 11th, 2010 · 22 Comments

Over and over again, I hear about the low barrier to freelance writing. Many folks, it seems, have the opinion that just about anyone can become a freelance writer. I think this popular opinion is a misperception.


Tags: Writing Tips

Should Writers Be Paid by Word Count?

May 4th, 2010 · 29 Comments

A common way of listing (and paying for) writing jobs is by word count. (For example: $XX.00 for 800 words.) I’ve even bid on writing projects using this method myself. But, the other day I stopped in mid-bid. Does bidding on writing jobs by word count really make sense?


Tags: Writing Tips

Should You Write Your Own Copy?

April 6th, 2010 · 13 Comments

You own a business. You have a product or service that you need to sell. Chances are that you need to have some copy written–whether it be for your website, a sales brochure, a press release, or just a good standard follow-up letter that you can use often with prospects.


Tags: Writing Tips

Are You Trapped in the Writing Web?

February 12th, 2010 · 19 Comments

Do you feel like there’s nothing available for freelance writers except for low paying web content writing jobs? Are you frustrated and beyond frustrated because every single client seems to want to argue about rates? Does it seem like you’re working as hard as you can and getting nowhere?


Tags: Writing Tips

Debunking the Freelance Writers as Corporate Trash Myth

January 26th, 2010 · 25 Comments

I can’t believe I’ve been freelancing all this time (over seven years) and I haven’t really run into this myth before. Apparently, some folks believe that those of us who freelance are doing so because we are unable to do anything else. In other words, we couldn’t quite make it in the corporate world and […]


Tags: Writing Tips

Why Can’t You Say What You Want To Say?

October 28th, 2009 · 15 Comments

You’re stuck! You’ve a brochure to write, but you don’t know what to say. Is this you? You know the message you would like to communicate to your clients, but when you sit down to actually write that message you just can’t get the right words out. Have you ever had the frustrating experience of […]


Tags: Writing Tips