
Copywriting, blogging, freelance writing, and much more…

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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

I’m Thinking Again!

July 12th, 2007 · Comments Off on I’m Thinking Again!

Recently (the term is relative) two fellow bloggers nominated me for the Thinking Blogger Award. A special thank you for giving WritingThoughts the award goes to: Drawing On Words Mom and More I’m really honored by such a nomination. I feel like we have a community here that sparks conversation and helps us all to […]


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A Quick Peek Around The Writing Blogosphere, 7-12-07

July 12th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Here are some of this week’s interesting posts about writing: Adventures in Copywriting discusses the proper use of testimonials. An excellent piece about how to get good testimonials for your marketing pieces. Copybogger talks about using heroes in business blogs. It’s a great concept that I’d like to see more about. Lorelle on WordPress published […]


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A Quick Peek Around The Writing Blogosphere, 7-3-2007

July 3rd, 2007 · 4 Comments

Here are some highlights from around the blogosphere: Lillie just finished a fabulous series on E-books. Here’s the first installment Mike discusses the importance of writing every day Joanna has published a blog spelling test Yvonne discusses the difference between brand and topic Don’t forget the new group writing project at Middle Zone Musings! Contents […]


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Six Months of WritingThoughts — Most Popular Posts

July 2nd, 2007 · 11 Comments

Today marks the six month anniversary of this blog. I’m proud of (and a bit surprised at) the progress I’ve made. This blog now has a Google Page Rank of 3, a Technorati rank of 29,263 (give or take since it’s constantly fluctuating), a Technorati authority of 165, an Alexa rank of 384,365 (note to […]


Tags: My Writing · Uncategorized

A Quick Peek Around The Writing Blogosphere, 6-19-2007

June 19th, 2007 · 3 Comments

Here are some highlights from around the blogosphere: Liz Strauss has published the complete metaphor project listing and winners on her Successful and Outstanding Blog. Be sure to drop by to discover some unique ideas about what blogging is. Tom Chandler is single-handedly saving copywriting on The Copywriter Underground. This post made me chuckle. Muhammed Saleem […]


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Seeing Yourself As Others See You

June 15th, 2007 · 14 Comments

Mihaela Lica (Mig) at Pamil Visions gave me a rare gift recently. She allowed me to see myself as she sees me. Or, at least, as she sees my dreams. Mig normally blogs about public relations, marketing, and SEO issues. However, she’s also a very talented artist. A few days ago she created this collage […]


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For Those Who Have Served and Sacrificed

May 27th, 2007 · 10 Comments

In the United States of America, May 28, 2007 is Memorial Day. It is a day that we set aside to honor those who were killed in the service of their country. In a way, it’s too bad that we have to be reminded of the sacrifices that others have made for us. I, too, […]


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A Quick Peek Around the Writing Blogosphere, 5-22-07

May 22nd, 2007 · 3 Comments

What’s happening on writing blogs this week? Check out the following links: Lillie Ammann is talking about journaling. Brian Clark is discussing irony What’s happening in the writing blogosphere near you? Leave a comment and let me know. Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.


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Top Five Reasons To Work At Home

May 10th, 2007 · 47 Comments

I have decided to enter ProBlogger’s Top 5 — Group Writing Project. The project fits nicely with a topic that I’ve been mulling over recently. That topic concerns the advantages of my work-at-home lifestyle. Although there are drawbacks to working at home (especially when you are self-employed like I am), most of the time I […]


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April 30th, 2007, Blog Silence–Remember the Victims

April 29th, 2007 · 2 Comments


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