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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

Blog Update In Progress

February 16th, 2009 · 1 Comment

WritingThoughts is being remodeled! You’ll see several changes in the next few days, but the format that you see may not be the final one. Feel free to leave a note and let me know what you think of the changes.


Tags: Blogging · Uncategorized

What’s New for 2009?

January 13th, 2009 · 3 Comments

Changes are in the air! Over the next few weeks I’ll be upgrading and remodelling this site. Expect to see a new look, new content, and lots of other great new features. What’ll it be? I’m not about to let the cat out of the bag now, but put your hard hats on and check […]


Tags: Uncategorized

Have Your Say!

February 26th, 2008 · 6 Comments

What do you like to see on a writer’s blog? This is your chance to have your say! Not only will the results help to make WritingThoughts a better place, they will also help me to select “Of Note” blogs that are of interest to all of us.


Tags: Uncategorized

Seasons Greetings to All My Online Friends!

December 22nd, 2007 · 14 Comments

I’m taking the next week off from blogging to spend time with friends and family. I’ll be around here periodically during the week, but not posting or answering comments on a regular basis. This blog will resume its regular posting schedule on Wednesday, January 2nd. In the meantime, here are some posts that you might […]


Tags: Uncategorized

What Type of Writing Do You Do?

November 19th, 2007 · 13 Comments

In my continuing effort to get to know my readers better, I’ve devised another poll. Feel free to leave a comment explaining your answers. online surveys – Take Our Poll


Tags: Uncategorized

Design Makeover in Progress

November 5th, 2007 · 6 Comments

As you can see, WritingThoughts is in the midst of a design makeover. Actually, it’s nearly complete — there are a few more things that I’d like to tweak. Stay tuned for the rest of the discussion about making money offline. I’ll also post the results of where my traffic comes from later this week. […]


Tags: Uncategorized

How Did You Find This Site?

October 26th, 2007 · 12 Comments

I’ve been seeing a lot of new names at WritingThoughts lately, which is a really good thing. I thought that now might be a good time to ask how you got here. So, I’m asking you to please answer the following poll. It’s easy … there’s only one question! You can remain anonymous, or you […]


Tags: Uncategorized

A Peek Around The Writing Blogosphere, 10-4-2007

October 4th, 2007 · 5 Comments

What are other writers blogging about lately? Here’s some interesting reads from around the blogosphere: Catalyst Blogger examines the question of whether you should work for free in Smart Spec Work: When to Work for Free Get Paid to Write Online has given us Web Writing Tip: Paragraphs Straight from Hel asks the question, How […]


Tags: Uncategorized

WAHM Wednesday: Helping Our Kids Find Their First Job

August 8th, 2007 · 6 Comments

Earlier I posted on whether or not teenagers should work. Recently, I’ve gotten caught up in an interesting discussion on the CareerandKids blog. The blogger there reported on a forum about kids who are having trouble getting jobs. My comment there was that my daughter was offered several jobs after only a handful of interviews. […]


Tags: Uncategorized · WAHM

Link Love

July 20th, 2007 · 6 Comments

I’ve been running a gauntlet of deadlines for my bigger projects (one today, one Monday, one Tuesday, and one next Thursday). As a result, I haven’t had time to write the thoughtful posts that I usually like to post here. Nor have I had the time to respond to memes. I’ll get to those posts. […]


Tags: Uncategorized