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Why All Writers Should Move Once In A While

June 20th, 2008 · 12 Comments

movingAll writers should change physical locations once in a while.

Some of you may know that we are in the process of moving our household from one physical location to another.

While the move is a very good thing for our family (nicer area) and for my business (a real office with a real door), it’s going slower than expected.

It’s going slower than expected for two reasons:

  • We’re doing most of the moving ourselves to save money
  • We’ve lived in this place so long (hint: my teens don’t remember living anywhere else) that we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff

It’s probably that last one that’s taking the the most time. You see, we’re now sorting through stuff that we didn’t even know we had. As we sort we ask these questions:

  • What is it?
  • How did we get it?
  • Why do we still have it?
  • Are we going to use it?

As we sort, it occurs to me that these are not bad questions for a freelance writer to ask about their writing business (or a blogger to ask about their blog).

Contents (c) Copyright 2008, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

Image Source: www.sxc.hu

Tags: Inspiration · WAHM

12 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Robert Hruzek // Jun 20, 2008 at

    As someone who has moved, either temporarily or “permanently” over 60 times in 26 years (including several full-household moves), well, I feel for ya, Laura!

    One thing moving often does for you is help you learn to “travel lighter”. Our first temp move away, it seemed like we took everything, including the kitchen sink. But it wasn’t long before we learned that if it didn’t fit in the car, it got left behind!

    You learn what’s really important to you pretty quickly.

  • 2 --Deb // Jun 20, 2008 at

    Hmm … if writers need to move once in a while, I’m in serious trouble. I’ve lived in the same house since I was 9!

    (And, please, I don’t even want to THINK about having to pack up my 3000 books. Seriously, I just passed the 3000-mark last month. The number of boxes alone gives me the willies!)

  • 3 Laura // Jun 20, 2008 at

    Hi Robert!

    60 times! Wow!!! That sounds like a lot of work. Were you on the run, or something ?

    Hi Deb,

    Well, you caught me. Of course I’m being a bit tongue-in-check about saying that all writers should move. I do, however, think that the moving questions are helpful.

    (BTW, we have five bookcases full of books. I’m not quite sure how many that is.)

  • 4 Lillie Ammann // Jun 21, 2008 at

    Although I haven’t lived in the same since I was 9, I’ve probably lived in the same house a lot longer than Deb has – all 41 years of my married life. Before that I lived on the same farm all my life except for college and a couple of summers with an aunt to work in the city.

    But I like your idea of asking myself those questions about my writing. I could do some spring cleaning around here.

  • 5 Michele // Jun 21, 2008 at

    Definitely gives us something to think about…. I think it’s a great idea that we ask ourselves these questions about our writing, sites, and blogs! Great idea.

    Best wishes on the move!


  • 6 Karen Swim // Jun 21, 2008 at

    I love the moving metaphor and it is one I employ frequently. This past week I spent time browsing new homes for my writing. It is good to shake it up periodically and try new things. After my first out of state move a few years ago, I began the habit of simplicity. I try not to carry much baggage and am always letting go so I have room in my home, heart and mind for new things. Best wishes on your physical move!


  • 7 Mihaela Lica // Jun 26, 2008 at

    Oh, the timing! I am actually moving this month to bigger house, luckily not far from where I live. I expect the move to take about two months – the other house needs some redecorating work and I cannot leave this place without a 2 months notice anyway. The kitchen I ordered takes 2 months to be delivered… so yes… moving always takes more time than we expect.

  • 8 Vivienne Quek // Jul 3, 2008 at

    Er, I don’t shift house but I do believe we all need a shift once a while regardless if it’s mental, emotional or spiritual. That’s why I attend seminars (trade and otherwise) regularly to update my inner world. Our inner self creates our external world. I have succeeded changing my sceneries by staying put physically that way.

  • 9 Poet // Jul 18, 2008 at

    I’ve only lived in 3 diffferent places, all three in different cities and two states. I hate moving. If I could, I would move to one place and stay there unil old age.

  • 10 Finish Writing // Jul 26, 2008 at

    I’ve moved WAY too many times in my life. Moving is always difficult, but there is value in taking inventory and deciding what to keep, and what to do away with. To your point, writing is the same way. We have to ask ourselves the tough questions, and even sometimes “kill our darlings.”

    Thanks for the post – good luck with the move.


  • 11 Andy Walpole // Aug 5, 2008 at

    Hope the move went well…

    Moving is one of life’s more stressful experiences…

    I’ll take up the challenge of those questions and ponder on them…

  • 12 Kim Baker // Jun 20, 2010 at

    If I had the money I would be all around the world, Like they say money makes the world go around.