
Copywriting, blogging, freelance writing, and much more…

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Entries from July 2007

Rocking Girl Bloggers!!

July 27th, 2007 · 17 Comments

Sorry guys! This one is just for the girls. Angela over at Domestic Divapalooza recently awarded me the Rocking Girl Blogger Award.  (Thank-you Angela!) As you can see, it’s a cute pink button that I can put with my Thinking Blogger Award. The best part of the Rocking Girl Blogger award is that I get […]


Tags: Meme

WAHM Wednesday: The Legacy We Leave

July 25th, 2007 · 2 Comments

The legacy that I am leaving to my daughters is something that has been on my mind a lot recently. Unlike when I was in the corporate world, now they see what I do every day. I remember when I was growing up I was never allowed to go to work with my dad. Now […]


Tags: WAHM

Are There Rules for the Creative Folk?

July 24th, 2007 · 4 Comments

Last week Vivienne asked if there were rules for creative folks. (A question originally asked by Marc Rapp at Uniquely the Epitome.) Vivienne specifically tagged me to answer the question. I delayed answering for a couple of reasons. First of all, I had a ton of deadlines last week. (That’s a really good thing.) Secondly, […]


Tags: Meme · Writing Tools

Of Note: The Copywriter’s Crucible

July 21st, 2007 · 5 Comments

For the blog “Of Note” this week I’ve chosen to feature Matt Ambrose’s The Copywriter’s Crucible. Matt provides informative and helpful posts on a weekly basis. His philosophy is summed up in his recent article, Articles or Blog Posts? It’s Quality that Counts. In the article Matt argues in favor of providing well written and […]


Tags: Of Note

Link Love

July 20th, 2007 · 6 Comments

I’ve been running a gauntlet of deadlines for my bigger projects (one today, one Monday, one Tuesday, and one next Thursday). As a result, I haven’t had time to write the thoughtful posts that I usually like to post here. Nor have I had the time to respond to memes. I’ll get to those posts. […]


Tags: Uncategorized

WAHM Wednesday: Should You Refer to Your Kids in Your Professional Bio?

July 18th, 2007 · 15 Comments

This is a question that’s been in the back of my mind for some time now so I thought that I’d throw it out to you for discussion. Several years ago I attended a presentation on writing. The main speaker had to give a little biographical introduction about herself before she spoke. This particular speaker […]


Tags: WAHM

Blogging and Personality Type

July 17th, 2007 · 7 Comments

Michael Haislip at Michael Haislip Helps You Make Money Online has conducted an interesting and kind of fun experiment. Michael asked eleven bloggers to take a Myers-Briggs Type personality test, then he observed their blogs to see how their personality played out through their blogging. While Michael admits that it’s an unscientific project, the results […]


Tags: Blogging

Great Resources For Freelancers

July 13th, 2007 · 5 Comments

Some of you may have noticed that I’m running a mini-series today on business planning. Before I leave the subject I want to point you to three great blog resources for freelancers: FreelanceSwitch. This blog contains a wealth of information for freelancers. There’s even a job list. Home Biz Notes. This is a great place […]


Tags: WAHM

Want to Incorporate Your Small Business? Here’s Something To Look Into

July 13th, 2007 · Comments Off on Want to Incorporate Your Small Business? Here’s Something To Look Into

When I noticed the topic “How to Start a Business” at PayPerPost, I had to check it out. I went to the site, California LLC. In my case, I was directed to a page about incorporation in Texas. I assume that I was directed to that page because I live in Texas. (The company offers […]


Tags: Sponsored Posts

I’m A Guest Blogger!

July 13th, 2007 · 3 Comments

I’m the guest blogger at Versa today. Vivienne asked me a few weeks ago if I would do a guest post and I had fun delving into my marketing writing background to create a post for her. In case you were wondering what the Versa blog is about, here’s a quick overview: Versa Creations is the web home […]


Tags: My Writing